When I create listings I add tags before posting. Several times I've gone back to edit something in a listing description, then when I scroll down to update post, I notice the tags (and the materials) I typed in have disappeared. I used 2-3 word phrases with commas in between. Why can't I see them? Do I have to retype the tags for 40 listings??
I looked at a few of your listings and none had tags. Stupid question -- after typing in the phrases in the tag box, are you clicking the ''add'' button?
That is something I need to check. Thank you for the tip!
I don't think you're adding them the right way. When I add tags no commas are allowed. You need to enter each phrase then click 'add', or enter. If you are typing them all at the same time, with the comma to separate them, the system is not going to accept them. You need to add each tag separately.
@audreytherese I use commas in between multiple tag phrases at one time and it works. (I rarely add tags one at a time.) If I didn't put the commas in, the system would've told me that I'm using too many characters. The system won't take things like ? and other symbols, but a comma to separate several tags in the box is fine.
Ok, I apologize, maybe I misunderstood and it was another error I've seen
Well, that could be my mistake; I didn't know that's how it works.
Thank you so much!
I think I MIGHT have an answer here - although have to confess I am a rookie on Etsy. I am however finding UX (User Experience) bugs here and there and THAT I know about. So, my guess is that you added the little pills correctly, BUT you missed the SAVE button at the bottom and the experience does not warn you that you have unsaved changes. Could that we it?
@ShoutandWhisper You don't get warned about not having tags because the listing form says that tags are ''optional''. (They're not really optional tho.) A listing will publish without tags.
... or rather the Publish button.
Might be, I will check it when my blood pressure calms down.
@AnnasNovelDesigns If you want to type all 13 Tags into the "shape/style/color" box you have to use a Comma between each Tag but no Space.
Then, when you have entered all 13 hit "Add" Radio Button. The Tags will appear in the boxes below. If there are no errors, you can then hit "Publish"
I type my Tags into a Word Document as a List, Check for character length then "backspace" each, with a Comma but no Space until I have the 13 in one continuous stream. It is easy to copy and past this into the Tag box
This worked! Thank you!! Luckily, I did have a document with my tags listed so it was not a nightmare to copy/paste for each listing. Yay!!
I have a question, Anna, do you know of any way that you can copy tags from one listing to the next within the experience, or do you have to keep an external document to copy from?
Okay, I did put a space between the comma and the next word. I will correct that and see if it works. Thank you for the input!
That will be the problem. There must be No Space after a Comma.
@CarpetCollectionAU I always use a comma and a space in between each tag. Never had a problem.
@TheVintagePineapple Are you sure? Whenever I have an issue with Tags it is because of the space after a comma. The system just does not recognize anything after a space. But, this could be device/browser related?
@CarpetCollectionAU Positive! I've been inputting tags that way for 13 years. I just tested your way, comma with no space, and they did go through too, so Idk.
''this could be device/browser related?'' Could be!
@TheVintagePineapple If it is not the "space" causing the OP's issue (either way) then it must be that she is not hitting "Publish" after "Add". I know I have been guilty of that on occasion.
Just a quick response to TheVintagePineapple "about tags are not mandatory but they really are". Yes, and in product design, letting a user leave an experience without saving changes is called "destructive behavior" and is a no-no. If a user has unchanged changes, they should always be warned and given the option to save their progress. In this case, the Publish button serves as a save, but I would argue that there should be an option to Save Progress even without publishing. I bet a lot of people miss this - me as well, haha!
@ShoutandWhisper There is an option to ''save progress without publishing.'' It's the button that says ''save as draft''. But you need to fill in the non-optional sections when saving it as a draft and also to preview. You'll get a warning that something needs to be filled in or checked before you can proceed.
However, while you do need to fill out the non-optional sections that have *s, they don't have to be fully correct while you're still working on the listing. For example, putting one letter in the description box is enough to allow it to 'preview' or 'save as draft'. You can even publish the listing with just the basic *sections* filled in and a "b'' in the description area, but of course you shouldn't.
(fyi - You might want to consider asking for a Shop Critique.)