This morning around 9am I looked at my revenue stats for yesterday. I checked again just now and it says the revenue for yesterday is double what it said this morning. Is this a glitch or am I losing it?
If you're losing it, so am I. "yesterday" revenue has gone up at least twice today. This has nothing to do with time zones.
Not 100% but I strongly suspect that "yesterday" stats are really yesterday's PLUS today's.
same thing is happing to me!
my yesterday's revenue keeps going up! Is this the only stat that is wrong? hmmmm.
Mine has not changed. Not one iota.
This is still happening. "Yesterday" orders and revenue goes up each time there is a sale "Today" though visits and total views works as they should. I'm wondering if a few of us are in some sort of test since this doesn't seem to be a wide spread problem?
I am having this issue as well. Yesterday's stats are adding up to today plus yesterday. But that figure is only reflected on the stats screen and the dashboard - the financials screens all appear to be accurate.
I wonder what's going on.