None of the updates seem to have addressed problems encountered being a seller outside the US and under the current criteria I don't think I'll ever be able to qualify. Namely -
1. On-time shipping & tracking.
I ALWAYS ship every order on-time and with tracking however, being in Spain I have the occasional order from Spain and the system doesn't seem to recognize the internal Spanish post number. Therefore it goes down as an order without tracking?
2. Message response rate.
I ALWAYS respond to every message within 24 hrs (most within 4hrs). Once again, being in Spain we are in the CEST time-zone. So if a message from the US comes in before midnight, I won't see it until the morning. This seems to count as over 24hrs (even though it's only about 6hrs). It would seem to be the different date that's counted and not the hours.
I would welcome your responses please.
Unfortunately the tracking situation seems to be a problem for international sellers. I don't know if there's a workaround for it but maybe someone else will chime in.
As far as the response rate situation, use auto-reply in order to avoid this issue. Then answer your customers messages in a timely fashion as usual.
Thanks for that. The auto-responder would definitely cure one issue. Could you please tell me where I can find it (I have looked).
Go to your Dashboard > Messages, in the top right hand corner you'll see "Auto-reply", click on it. This is where you can craft your auto- response. You'll want to save it because the longest amount of time you can have it on is 5 days so you'll need to go in and turn it on before the 5th day ends.
Hopefully there will be a solution to the tracking as that is quite unfair. Best wishes : )
Thanks again. Found it and set a response.