A customer order several pieces of jewelry that she was charged for separately instead of being charged all together. She asked that I ship everything in one box, so I did and put the same shipping number on all four orders (this happened twice this month). Etsy didn't count the repeated tracking numbers so I am not eligible for the star seller badge. How can I get this straightened out and what do I do next time to avoid this issue? Thanks, Diane
Did you check to make sure the tracking number had no errors in it? Using the same tracking number does work but if you make an error in the number, it doesn't match and therefore the tracking is dinged.
I did this and when I checked the 2nd order, I realized I had made a one number error in that long number. I corrected it and it did fix the tracking.
You can contact Etsy if the numbers provided were correct in all the orders but be prepared for Etsy to say they won't fix it,