I used the filter feature for orders without tracking information, both orders shown as not having tracking actually do have tracking information listed. How can this be fixed so I maintain my star seller badge, which I rightfully earned?
@MiVintageHome: This is a seller peer to peer forum, and should not be considered a way to contact Etsy, if that is your hope (although Etsy does sometimes read and reply to posts) and unfortunately, Etsy has made it clear that they will not manually adjust Star Seller data.
Probably almost everyone on this forum can sympathize with you but a quick search would show you innumerable threads about your exact issue.
Are you basing this on the applicable CSV file? How long ago did you ship? Have the packages been scanned? Often the CSV file is often behind reality. If the shipper is supported by Etsy make sure that the shipped date, tracking number and shipping company show correctly on the actual order. Etsy relies on a third party vendor for tracking (and tracking number validation) and uses the data on the order. Many times recent shipments are not correctly / timely updated. Usually a day or two after the package has been scanned the CSV file correctly shows tracking and shipment status and Star Seller stats auto update.
Thanks for responding- as you seem aware, the Etsy website directs people with an issue regarding star seller status to post here. I didn't even know this forum existed before I followed the link and posted my question. After doing so I browsed around a bit and discovered some similar threads. Upon reading a few of them I did indeed discover the information you posted. (Perhaps I'm reading your post wrong but it seems to be chiding me for posting a question that's already been asked and answered.)
To answer your questions, I am going off the CSV file that Etsy provides in the "track your progress" area. I did notice that over the last few days as I've made sales and shipped items, my tracking percentage has gone up and down (presumably as you said, based on the label being scanned at the P.O.) I was not aware that the seller badge would automatically update after today for December. If that is the case I find it encouraging.
If it does not update automatically, then I hope an administrator sees my post. It's really a bad policy to base it on a 3 month review but have sales made on the last day of the month drag a percentage down even though they are ultimately shipped timely. And since I have no where else to try to influence Etsy's service, I'll leave my post up so that my voice might be heard.
I too have had my tracking number go down overnight though I put in the USPS tracking number. No explanation and it shipped early the day after the order. I missed star seller. I should of gotten star seller. There was no reason. I did get dinged from an order in October that didnot have tracking, but that was because it was tiny and fit in a regular card envelope and if I added tracking it would of been $15. So out of 15 sales I only had 1 without tracking and that was a while ago. All the ones after had tracking.
@MiVintageHome Orders are assessed according to the "Processing Timeframe" for the SSP CSV report. Orders due to Ship prior to 30 Nov will be assigned to the November Statistics for the Badge awarder 01 December. Orders due to ship after 30 November will be assigned to the December Statistics for the Badge awarder 01 January. This is intentional so as not to penalize Sellers unfairly who did not ship an Order received in November but which was not due to ship until December.
Also, remember, simply adding the Tracking Number will not update the CSV. immediately. The system has to be able to detect PO scanning which is evidence that the Order was, in fact, actually lodged and shipped and is now on its' way. That is why some Orders marked as "Shipped with Tracking" on the last day/s of the Month may not show as "Shipped" as the PO has not yet updated the scanning.
Etsy relies on the "Aftership" database to assess these details. If the "Aftership" database does not update by the time the CSV is finalized, any Orders not covered will not update in time for inclusion in that CSV. But, if the system updates correctly in later days, the December CSV will reflect the correct information.
Not sure I fully understand, but it sounds like as long as my orders shipped on Nov. 28 & 29 are scanned in (which they seem to be as they both show in Transit) then the CSV should update and I should be awarded the shipping badge to complete the star seller. From from you say it appears that there is a known lag that could be remedied by Etsy either moving the consideration date back by a day or two or awarding the badge on the 2nd or 3rd instead of on the 1st of the month. None of my orders were late at any of the time that Etsy showed them as lacking tracking so it's frustrating. But from reading posts here, that seems to be common. I hope it's something Etsy will look into and consider fixing.
Thanks for your reply!
So looking at the CSV it shows orders # 2196 & 8834 as not shipping with tracking on time. 2196 was ordered on Nov. 29 and shipped on Nov. 30 and the tracking info shows it "in transit". 8834 was ordered on Nov. 30 and shipped the same day with tracking that shows "in transit". I really don't understand how these can be counted against me.
@MiVintageHome What was the "Processing Time" for these Orders? What was the latest date they were due to Ship? If these Orders were not due to Ship until a date in December, then they will not be calculated in the November Statistics.
As I said, it is not important where the date you actually shipped falls. What the system looks for is the "Processing Time" and if this falls in the next Month, then shipping in the previous Month will not be attributed to that Month. But it will update correctly for the next Review Period.
@CarpetCollectionAU I give myself 1-3 days processing time so neither was due to ship until December. But these are the ONLY 2 on the report listed as not meeting the tracking information requirement and I did not receive the shipping badge so they are being counted against me. From what you are saying they shouldn't be-- but apparently there is no where to go to ask for the issue to be resolved.
What I'm not clear on is whether if the report updates in 2 days, I will be awarded the badge at that time or do I now just have to wait until January? (and hope the same thing doesn't happen then with end of the month sales?)
@MiVintageHome "I give myself 1-3 days processing time so neither was due to ship until December."
That is your answer!. 3 days from 28-30 Nov will put these Orders onto the "Current Review Period" CSV (Oct,Nov,Dec) for the badge to be awarded 01 Jan
For the data for the Badge awarded 01 Dec, you have to look at the CSV for the "Past Review Period" (Sept,Oct,Nov)
@CarpetCollectionAU I hear what you are saying-- what I'm telling you is that I did look at the "past review period" and these ARE showing up on that report! That's why I'm frustrated.
OK. Then I have no other explanation. Except to ask what data is showing in the "Has Processing" in column D? Are these Orders missing a "Processing Time"?
@TheMagickalNeedle I think there is some sort of glitch. I wish Etsy had a real way for us to contact them as opposed to this peer to peer forum. I appreciate everyone's responses but it's just reaffirmed that there is an error in the system. I'm getting dinged for 2 orders that shouldn't even be part of the review period for the December Star Seller.
I'm a relatively new business without tons of orders so each one has the potential to really impact my statistics. I was a Star Seller for Oct & Nov. (Oct was the first month I could be eligible) and I was "on track" until the weekend when I first noticed the "lag" between me printing the label and the time it took for the CSV to report the tracking. Then mid-week those processed and I was back on track, then I got 2 more orders the last 2 days of the month and literally even though I processed them within 24 hours and the PO shows them scanned on Nov. 30, they are not reported on the CSV so it shows I'm at 94% instead of 100%. It is very frustrating and make it feel like the Star Seller program is a crap shoot to some extent. I really hope someone from Etsy is reading these posts. This kind of things makes people look at different selling forums.
this was the 1st time I could of made star seller. I was so close. It is disappointing
@TheMagickalNeedle I'm sorry. That' is frustrating! I hope you make it next month. I'm seeing a few suggestions to delay shipping on end of the month orders so they don't appear to have the "no tracking" problem. I don't think I'm going to do it though. I'd rather ACTUALLY be a star seller that promptly ships than to have a badge awarded due because I protected my status rather than served my customers.