Hello, it has been 90 days since I opened my store and I have completed all of the star seller eligibility in this period, but I could not get a star seller badge. Currently, my star seller dashboard does not show indicators showing my sales and the amount I earn from sales.
@PookieGift: "it has been 90 days since I opened my store" The criteria is 90 days after your first sale. The following first of the month is when you are eligible if you meet all of the other metrics.
The criteria is 90 days after your first sale, not after opening shop. If the number of sales and amount do not show for a review period, it means you met the target. Make sure you are looking at the right tab. You can look at the "Last Review Period" tab (2nd tab) to see the data for the review period that just ended. My guess is that either it hasn't been 90 days since your first sale (your first review was in April, and your first sale needed to be before March 1 to meet the target), or your sales don't total $300 for the 90 day period, since you don't have any of the badges at all.
If you made your first sale on March 22, then you are not eligible for star seller until July.
@PookieGift: "it has been 90 days since I opened my store" The criteria is 90 days after your first sale. The following first of the month is when you are eligible if you meet all of the other metrics.
I made my first sale on March 22nd. In this case, I think I meet all the requirements but I am not eligible for the star seller badge for June. Thank you.
The criteria is 90 days after your first sale, not after opening shop. If the number of sales and amount do not show for a review period, it means you met the target. Make sure you are looking at the right tab. You can look at the "Last Review Period" tab (2nd tab) to see the data for the review period that just ended. My guess is that either it hasn't been 90 days since your first sale (your first review was in April, and your first sale needed to be before March 1 to meet the target), or your sales don't total $300 for the 90 day period, since you don't have any of the badges at all.
Got it, thank you. But in the second tab only message response rate, average rating, on-time shipping are visible. orders and sales sections are not visible.
If you made your first sale on March 22, then you are not eligible for star seller until July.
@PookieGift Once you make the $300 that tab goes away.
@PookieGift Your orders need to total $300 before shipping and taxes. Hope this helps.
@PookieGift As I said in my first reply, if your orders and sale amount do not show, it's because you met the targets. Obviously, it's the 90-day target you didn't meet, based on the additional information you provided.
Exact thing happened to me! I'd like to get this resolved ASAP, as I've just started up on Etsy and this is my first eligible period to get the Star Seller badge.
Have you met all the criteria?
90 days since your first sale?
At least 5 orders totaling at least $300 before shipping and tax?
Yup, I've met all the criteria! I'm perplexed why it's not showing up.
@LetterkennyPDXWhen was your first sale?
@LetterkennyPDX Are you somehow associated with the Letterkenny tv show and have permission to sell things that reference their names? Etsy might not award the SSB if they think you're infringing or selling counterfeit products.
I'm having a similar issue - my sales made July 31 filled my requirement of 5 sales, $300 minimum to keep my star seller badge, but they aren't counted in my July calculations (in order to have my August badge), all the other requirements are met.
I waited a couple days bc I read sometimes it takes 24-48 hours for sales to show up, but they're showing up in September's progress - not where they should be since the sales were made in July (for Augusts star seller)?!?!
Also - NO badges are being shown for my shop even though I have 100% shipping, 100% message and 100% reviews. Won't those individual badges show up even if the star seller badge doesn't (even though technically it should!)
What can I do?? I've tried the chat option repeatedly and no one replies after my first conversation which was cut short and my questions weren't answered. I waited a couple days bc Etsy says sometimes it takes 24-48 hours for sales to show u/b calculated tried reaching back out on the chat every day since then. I tried reaching back out on the chat almost every day since then, with no response.
My next stop is trying to email customer service.
Am I wrong about any of this? Ive only ever had the star seller badge but I've seen other shops with the other badges, if you meet those criteria don't you get those at least?
Any help is appreciated!!
Also I read Etsy is unable to retroactively awards star seller but what if it's because there was a mistake on THEIR end? That seems wildly unfair.
@RosedaleVintageShop: Two possible things to consider. Star Seller stats are in UTC not your time zone so what is July 31 to you many be August 1 to Etsy. It seems that orders may not be counted until after the scheduled ship by date regardless of when actually shipped. There seems to be no definitive answer if this also applies to counting for order volume and quantity.