Inspiration Seeker

Square not syncing - Possible cause

I know I've seen others post this where they are having issues syncing their Square with their Etsy. This last weekend, we think we might have found the cause for out own issues. When we do craft shows, we usually put our shop in vacation mode to avoid an issue of making an online sale of an item that is sitting in a users hand.

One thing that clicked for me this weekend is that when I tried to sync after it was put in vacation mode, it didn't bring over any information. Mainly because we usually sync the night before, then put the shop in vacation mode at the show. This time, we had some sales over night as well as made some new items that were put up in the shop in the morning so tried to sync again in the morning and it failed.

My wife had just put it in vacation mode before I did the sync. It cleared the shop and I was preparing myself for much frustration when my wife mentioned that she just changed it. Took the shop out of vacation mode, did the sync and it was all there. 

This has been an ongoing point of frustration over the last few years and when we ask support and Square and Etsy, they both point the finger at each other as the cause.

So, in a way, it's Etsy, but there is a workaround. Would be nice if they could allow Square to sync, even while the shop is in vacation mode.

I know it's not going to be the same issue for everyone, but it's something to check when you're having sync issues.

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1 Reply
Inspiration Seeker

Re: Square not syncing - Possible cause

This post was such a life saver!! I was pulling my hair out trying to figure out why the sync wasn't working. Thank you for your insight!!


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