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So Many Issues with the New Listing Form
I detest the new listing form that Etsy is now forcing us to use. I tried it when it was optional, but I kept getting an error message in red at the bottom and was never able to save my changes. Now, I'm attempting to edit a custom listing for a buyer, and I want to use my images instead of the generic, ugly Etsy one. However, I can't do so because of persistent error messages.
I was able to fix the shipping errors and images, but the system would not register the category, which is beads in jewelry making supplies. I found the correct category, but the system keeps showing that same red error message, despite the fact that I selected a category. I tried clearing my cache and cookies, logging out, and using two different browsers, but the issue persists. Because of this, I'm stuck using Etsy's unattractive icon for custom listings, which is incredibly frustrating.
Another frustrating issue is when I want to edit variations. Instead of allowing me to edit existing variations (for example, to correct a typo), I have to delete the variation, retype it, and then move it around to place it in the correct alphabetical order.
I've given my feedback before when Etsy requested it, but it seems to fall on deaf ears. The new listing form is not helpful and does NOT save time. Why do they do this? I'm sure I'm not the only one having issues. Instead of making the process smooth, it has become time-consuming and difficult. Etsy, read the room. Sellers are NOT happy!

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Re: So Many Issues with the New Listing Form
Yeah. Its a mess. Everyone is talking about it.
I'm not listing any more items till they fix all the glitches. ( fingers crossed)

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Re: So Many Issues with the New Listing Form
Some listings REFUSE to publish.
It's crazy to waste a bunch of time trying to list when it won't publish or even save as a draft.
Etsy is definitely losing money FROM ME over this bull$h!t.

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Re: So Many Issues with the New Listing Form
The other STUPID STUPID STUPID thing is the Quantity.
OF COURSE I WANT a bare minimum of
Make that the default! How many times have I been nagged at for a ZERO quantity???

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Re: So Many Issues with the New Listing Form
Remember the dial-up days when words could take ages to appear? When adding information in the description area and also for images, each letter comes out one ... by ... one in the length of time it takes to add one ... by ... one including all the dots. To get around it, I type it in Word, then copy and paste it.
When I'm adding the different sections, I need to scroll up and down to check stuff, and I can never find what I'm looking for, so end up scrolling for ages. The issue is the description box as it seems squished in comparison to the old form.
Another issue is one that's costing me money, and that is that for some odd reason, I'm being charged for Etsy ads on some items that I didn't purchase them for. I haven't bought Etsy ads since 2022. I'm not sure why they've switched on, but I'm consistently having to check that none are turned on. As I've been adding new listings lately, I figured it might be due to the new form, but I'm not sure.
I don't understand why they updated the new form when it isn't really an update. What would be an incredible update is adding the ability to add bundles. The most useful for my shop would be yarn bundles which would include the quantity, the color, and the price per hank in three visible columns PLUS different quantity and color options and the price based on those different options that would be factored in automatically. This feature would likely be utilized by the majority of sellers, so it makes no sense that it's not a feature.

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Re: So Many Issues with the New Listing Form
The new form will activate a newly published listing for Etsy Ads - if you have them turned on.
Does your Etsy Ads page show 0 of xxx items being advertised? If so, your ads are actually turned on. You need to scroll down the page and click on the Pause button.

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Re: So Many Issues with the New Listing Form
I'm having issues with the new form as well. There is a time lag on typing out text. Also, when I upload my photos, it rearranges them and I have to go in and arrange them again.
There are two sections now for materials. Why?
The new form is taking me twice as long now. Thanks, Etsy, for sucking the fun out of this site. There was NOTHING wrong or broken with the old form!
Sometimes I think they are trying to "thin the herd" by running off sellers.

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Re: So Many Issues with the New Listing Form
I can't get the new form to upload pictures! It keeps failing. I know it's my not-so-fast internet (no fiber optic here!), but it's all I've got! I can watch YouTube videos and movies on Tubi but not upload a picture to Etsy. REALLY?? The new form just won't hold out long enough for the image to upload. *sigh*

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Re: So Many Issues with the New Listing Form
I absolutely HATE listing an item with variations. WHY did they have to mess with that?
And time frame? WHY did that field have to be another click to get to? It's important for every listing. If I copy an existing listing I inevitably miss it when scrolling up and down to make sure I do NOT miss something. Even if I use the annoying tabs it's not visibly there to complete, it's still yet another click to get to the decades (and then one MORE click to accept the input). WHY is that one field (that's required on ALL listings) buried???

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Re: So Many Issues with the New Listing Form
“Detest” is the perfect word for so many reasons.

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Re: So Many Issues with the New Listing Form
I have had the same problem when trying to save a new listing and publish it I get a red message “We are sorry we can’t save your listing contact help”. This also happens when trying to edit a copy of an old listing. I contacted “Etsy Help’ via chat after trying to explain “this New to Help” problem with MANY back and forth messages. I was asked to redo the listing and send them screen shots of the problem. I gave up and decided to list some items on another site until Etsy gets all the bugs out of the new listing form. I use my desktop to list using the Chrome browser. I am surprised that there are not more sellers experiencing this

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Re: So Many Issues with the New Listing Form
@HolidayGrasshopper, I've experienced much the same. In the past, I could not upload pictures from my tablet (where I take my photos) to make a listing. I presumed it was the wireless's fault. So, for years, I would wait until the next day when my pictures were imported to the cloud to create a listing on my desktop.
Now? I was only able to get my photo/listing up and running by using the app, of all things! On my tablet!! What? Are they forcing us to use the app to create listings now?
I wasted half an afternoon trying this and that to get my newest yarns listed. I could only update pictures and upload videos (yes, I'm complying) on 2 yarns that had sold out, and the listing needed renewed. I couldn't get a new yarn listed. It just took too much time and failed.

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Re: So Many Issues with the New Listing Form
I'm having the same issue today. I can't Save as Draft or Publish. The last thing I want to do is contact Etsy support and waste even more time.

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Re: So Many Issues with the New Listing Form
How do you rearrange your images please? I can't see how to do it, and when I accidentally clicked 'Delete' on my first image, I had to cancel them all and start over again. Ugh!

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Re: So Many Issues with the New Listing Form
It is not necessary to use the Edit button for photos.
You can do everything the same as the old form by clicking straight into the individual photo boxes, including click & drag to rearrange photos.
The only reason I have found for using the Edit button is to add Alt-text.
If you have no photos loaded just click on the text box "+Add up to 10 photos and 1 video" to start loading, or else click and drag straight into that text box.

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Re: So Many Issues with the New Listing Form
Thankyou. I tried to click and drag just as I would have done with the old listing form, but nothing happens.

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Re: So Many Issues with the New Listing Form
I am sorry that is not working for you. I honestly don't know what is going on. there are so many reports of problems.

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Re: So Many Issues with the New Listing Form
The renew button never seems to work, have to click on "Cancel" then click on publish with changes saved. It never went through smoothly, the clicking on "Cancel" then going back and forth made the whole process quite confusing. One time I even noticed that the listing renewed AND published as a new listing so that same listing duplicated itself. Two same listings showing up and I had to deactivate one, two fees have already been charged.

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Re: So Many Issues with the New Listing Form
I just had that happen with updating a listing, it made a new one I had to deactivate.

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Re: So Many Issues with the New Listing Form
I'm not listing anything new here either not until I know for sure it's working 100% correctly.
Having tried to work with it I experienced similar to everyone else inc filling it all in only to not be able to publish or when I was able to publish I had to immediately deactivate to check it over and make sure everything had been completed,
Screw that sh!t I'm not wasting any more of my time on it and if everyone took the same attitude I'm quite sure the problem would get solved quicker.

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Re: So Many Issues with the New Listing Form
I am having trouble copying/duplicating a listing. It won't let me Save as Draft or Publish. I'm getting a message in red that says: Hm, we're having trouble saving your changes. Try again, and if this keeps happening, contact Etsy support. I'm using a desktop. Anyone else having this issue?

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Re: So Many Issues with the New Listing Form
sounds like many sellers can't list new items or relist old items. Maybe Etsy will realize something is wrong and let us know they are working on it. In the mean time I have a few vintage items that were to go on Etsy that are now on another site.

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Re: So Many Issues with the New Listing Form
It sure is frustrating. And a big time-waster.

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Re: So Many Issues with the New Listing Form
I just tried using a different browser. Still not able to save or publish a new listing wasted another 20 minutes

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Re: So Many Issues with the New Listing Form
It keeps telling me that I am missing "core details" and refuses to acknowledge that the category is chosen. Trying to list a vintage skirt and saving as draft doesn't work either, so there's half an hour lost. I hate this new listing format and always used the old listing method. I won't list anything new and will just head to eBay - it's that simple.