Shop's about section wont show adjusted text

I adjusted my about section of my shop and somehow it won't show in the shop itself. When I go back to my settings, the new text is still there but I can click on save as many times as I want but the new text isn't showing. I edited this section on different computers now and it's been a full day since I made the changes. 

I've had a similar issue before when editing my shop banner. Is Etsy bugged? Is there any way I can resolve this? 

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7 Replies
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Re: Shop's about section wont show adjusted text

I've had problems with this in the past (a year ago or so) where using 'settings' didn't keep the changes I was making.  Have you tried editing your about section either from your shop (very top 'edit shop') or from dashboard (where your shop is listed under 'Sales Channels' there's a little pencil icon to click).  The pencil icon option has worked for me in past when the others didn't.

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Re: Shop's about section wont show adjusted text

Neither of them is working I keep seeing the new text when I try to edit but it just doesn't show in my shop. 

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Re: Shop's about section wont show adjusted text

If this is on the iOS app, it's a bug.

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Re: Shop's about section wont show adjusted text

@MyPrintableProducts  :  Are you having this problem using an Etsy app or via mobile browser or desktop browser (it makes a difference as to possible causes and potential solutions, otherwise we have to guess).

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Re: Shop's about section wont show adjusted text

I am having this problem using Etsy on desktop so in my browser.

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Inspiration Seeker

Re: Shop's about section wont show adjusted text

Did you ever find a solution? I have the same issue right now. 

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Re: Shop's about section wont show adjusted text

Yes actually I have, only yesterday haha. Etsy got back to me and said that when I started my shop, I used my own region (the Netherlands) and then I changed it to English so I had to fill in the English translation. Turned out everybody outside The Netherlands didn't see my new info. In your settings tab you have ''Languages and translations'' and there you can add a different language. 

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