My account continues to be frozen after submitting the correct information for my EIN number. It continues to say that the information does not match although it's the same name on the IRS sheet. Also, is there a way to re-upload your ID if it was previously verified? This has been extremely frustrating and have been dealing with this for a couple of days now and no response from the team. I hope to hear something positive soon, thank you.
Hello! We're sorry to hear you're experiencing issues with your account. We've forwarded your concerns to a specialist team. Thank you!
Please know we handle support inquiries privately per our Community Policy – we’re closing this thread, so you can get the support you need from us directly.
The first thing I noticed is you have no payment methods in your shop = Etsy Payments.
That's strange, there should be payment methods allowed since the bank account is verified. It's probably not showing the option since the tax id cant be verified
@NanaLetha Etsy removes payment options when there is a question about ID or tax or anything else. A seller can't sell when there is an issue with verification
@Decorcade you may need assistance from a moderator but here's an Help article in the meantime to review re verification.
I will look over it, thank you
Mine is frozen as well...Has been for weeks. I had to upload more information and now it says "pending review" Still waiting...I hope this gets resolved soon. I have been down since Jan 13th.
It's been so long since I added my EIN that I can't remember exactly. I think it is just the numbers without anything else associated with it. You might have added something that is on the paper but should be left off when entering. It's been too long as I said for me to remember. Don't try too many time to change it as you will get locked out.
Does the name on the IRS match the name used for your shop?
As for me, I have added my EIN, it is correct...the name matches...personal ids, and information....I am a disregarded entity....Uploaded all my paperwork....Nothing is wrong that I see....They said my id's were verified....The last thing they asked was an Entity ID number and I sent that again....It is just frustrating. If something is different they are seeing, I just wish they would tell me what is not working besides "business information needs to be verified." I have any documentation they need, who knows what they want. And again, responses if you get any take 2-5 business days each time. Then they lock out my tickets. And send me generic emails. Now, I just waiting seeing if I am okay this time. But, who knows, maybe LLC's take longer...Maybe let me know that. That would be nice.
Completely agree, I am having the same problem! It is extremely frustrating the lack of information and communication given. All we want to do is sell and make sure our information is correct or be given the chance to clarify any misinformation.
@HummingbirdCraftsLLC @Decorcade : Don't know if this applies in your situations, but the verification checks are run against official databases and there have been reports that there is commonly a delay of 4 - 6 weeks between IRS issuing a new EIN and updating their public facing database.
The "Name of Legal Entity" must include both lines on your SS-4. For example "Store Name LLC FirstName LastName Sole MBR"
@BagmakerSupplyI have been trying to change stuff as they say, but now I can not do anything. I keep getting a gray bar and it will not let me edit anything. Which I think Etsy locked me out. I have no idea. It only lets me upload information now. I did upload all the information they asked me to and have had to do that many times. The same information they keep asking for. Now it says "pending review" again. I do not know if this is okay and they are trying to verify or if I messed up something. EIN has not changed. From what I can tell I entered everything correctly. And if there is a problem, just tell me. Not a general message, but what is wrong. The last message I got was asking for an Entity id number and I upload that for them. So, I am hoping this is what they needed, but like everyone else I would just like some communication. Thank you for your advice though, I do appreciate it!
@BagmakerSupply I tried your suggestion but unfortunately did not work. This is so frustrating!
OP, find the letter from IRS showing your EIN. Type the exact information which will include your formal business name as well as your name. It has to match the record in IRS files, which Etsy consults.
@BagmakerSupply Ooo this is a good idea, I will try it out and see if it works out. I will update. Thank you
This just happened to me last night. My account was frozen as soon as I entered my LLC and EIN. I downloaded my 1099 for 2024 and was like...oh I should enter my business information since my business grew so much this year.
I have been selling on Etsy for years and now I am getting ready to retire early from the Sheriff's Office in 6-weeks because of this income. Etsy has frozen my account and my store isn't even searchable. I contacted Etsy support last night and all they would tell me was to contact my local tax authority. I then asked if they were referring to the IRS to which they said yes. I asked to go back to selling the way I had been selling in January and in 2024 and they said they cannot do that but they also can't tell me what is wrong with my information. I offered to send the IRS form, but the rep told me they do not validate manually and cannot assist me. I was close to 6-figures of sales in 2024 and now my shop is just gone. You would think Etsy would want to help the creators who are on the site to continue to make revenue and pay fees.
I searched all of the threads regarding how to fix this issue. I am locked out right now with my screen saying I used my 5 attempts for the day. To say I am frustrated and disappointed in Etsy is an understatement. I never dreamed adding an EIN could affect my lively hood the way it has. Luckily I have built a following and will be creating my own website so this can't happen to me again.
I will try to add my business as it is listed on the IRS form including my name in all caps. It seems as if Etsy knows this issue exists but doesn't give any warning to those attempting to do their business legally. I will be reaching out to legal counsel if Etsy does not assist me with this matter. Etsy is affecting my business and costing me money every day my account is frozen. I am sure this is a simple fix, but without the platform's help it is impossible to fix.
@SnowGardener307 I am so sorry to hear about how complicated this has become for you especially as a long term seller. It is frustrating the lack of support they provide and I can't bare to read another forum that won't provide me any new information. It's worse when the information is correct and the store had been working previously. I am a relatively new shop but I had already made 5 sales which as a new seller can be difficult. All that effort and time being held back due to a service issue. I keep trying to resubmit but nothing seems to work. I went over it with my lawyer and didn't make any progress. I hope your problem is able to be solved soon and hopefully we can all go back to our shops. Moving to your own website is the best idea and thankfully you had your following. There's also no point in opening a new shop if the possibility of coming across this problem will happen again and they have all your data already.
Hello! We're sorry to hear you're experiencing issues with your account. We've forwarded your concerns to a specialist team. Thank you!
Please know we handle support inquiries privately per our Community Policy – we’re closing this thread, so you can get the support you need from us directly.