Hi, This is a real problem that is costing me an unknown number of sales. Sales in this shop are down and maybe this is why. Customer had 2 items in her cart, approx 8 ounces total. Shipping profile is for calculated and 1st class usually (used to) come up as the default. This buyer sent photos of her cart, and I checked the settings for each of the 2 items. Weight and size were 4.1oz at 4" x 3" x 2" and 3.9oz at 5" x 3" x 0.5".
The cart showed "Buyer selected Priority shipping" but buyer said the radio button was already selected for priority. She tried to de-select the priority to no avail. Yhen, she deleted the items from her cart and started over. Same result.
This order should have gone first class mail at approx $3.88. Instead, it registered at Priority for approx. $8.95. The shipping was more than the items and she had contacted me to complain the shipping was too high to order. She submitted the order and I changed it to 1st class and refunded the difference. Most people won't go to this length to order, and decide etsy shipping is too high.
Please fix this technical problem - I almost lost a customer and who knows how many potential sales I have lost.
Thank you!
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First off, this is a seller peer to peer forum not a way to contact Etsy, if that is your hope. Since you have verified that the your shipping profiles and listings are correct, and that each listing is connected to the correct profile you will need to contact Etsy to report this https://help.etsy.com/hc/en-us/articles/115015410188?segment=shopping
As you go through the maze just keep selecting I still need help (or the equivalent) even in the eMail(s) you will eventually receive.
We also use calculated shipping and (to the best of our knowledge) have never had this issue.
Thank you. Yes - I have been down that rabbit hole before. Endless strings of emails that never end. I don't have the time for that, so I just had hoped that etsy looked at bugs and technical issues, but what was I thinking!?! LOL.
just FYI - Been on etsy for over 12 years and have 10 shops or more. Leaving Etsy as fast as I can - I have to get rid of all the stock I accumulated while Etsy was easier, nicer, and less expensive. The aggravation is just not what I came here for. Will retire my supply shops.
Thanks for your suggestions.
I put 3 of your items into my cart, and it is calculating first class postage, so it doesn't appear to be an issue with your entire shop.
I know you checked the sizes of the items purchased, but you might want to also check the Shipping Profiles and also the size of packages you have available.
Thank you - I did all of that. It could have been a temporary glitch. The buyer said she worked in IT for over 30 years, and certainly knew about radio buttons. She sent me photos of her cart and I sent photos of the listing parameters - sizes and weights. Shipping profiles are all the same as always have been. There was just no sense to it.
Thanks for doing the cart thing for me!
I am having this problem as well. Have you found a solution?
@memorablecrafts: What mail class does the actual order say the buyer was charged for?
Also, you should start a new thread as this one is several years old and the moderators tend to shut them down.
Mine was doing the same but I think I figured it out. Make sure your item dimensions in the calculator are very small. Mine was set (I think default settings) to a huge size, which I think made it automatically be priority. Crossing fingers that fixes the issue
I'm so glad you asked about looking at the order. I just had the same customer make three purchases today. Two she paid postage for and one was free shipping. All three showed first class on the order but pulled up as priority on the shipping label. I was in a hurry and knew shipping prices just went up. I missed that they were all set to priority until after I had printed them. (This has happened in the past and I paid the priority because I thought it was just a glitch were the buyer choose priority. I hadn't thought about it only allowing them to choose priority. I just looked at my shipping profile, and ground advantage isn't listed. I have first class and priority checked. I looked a creating a new listing profile, and it doesn't have ground advantage or a way to select the free shipping provider as far as I noticed.)
There is something about combined orders and free shipping that defaults to Priority. I don't know why but I know I have heard several sellers here with your same issue.
To get GA you have to also have Parcel enabled or if it goes over a pound it will go to Priority as that's all you have enabled for over a pound.
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