Every time I try to share a listing with my Facebook page I get the dreaded “uh oh this page can’t be found”. I’ve tried all the technical fixes listed on the website, no luck. Any suggestions?
Are you copying the link from your dashboard/listing or trying to type it in manually? If manually, check for errors. There is no 'www' in the share and save links, for example. Easy mistake to make.
The Share and Save feature is majorly flawed. I always use the computer to set up listings and send links to customers. Every single time I use the "copy link" button, the customer cannot actually use the link. I can see the link is correct, but it will either give the customer an error saying it is taking them off of Etsy (which is wrong) or it just goes back to my shop. If you copy from the domain in the format they have it, then it's not a share link. However, the "share" link is really just the format you type your shop into, so you could try to type it manually. shopname.etsy.com/listing/12345678 type of thing. I really don't think they care to fix the share and save options because it doesn't let them charge you a ton of money for marketing. I've had hundreds of people click on my link before they buy, and I've been credited maybe 4 times. I know people are going to tell me it's because the customers clicked on marketing, but when some of my customers have had trouble with the share link, I get on a face-face device and help them buy (I get a lot of older customers that sometimes need help anyway) and I've seen what they are doing... they are clicking the share link and I still get charged marketing. So, there is definitely issues with their system and those links.
I CAN say for sure, though, that the times it has worked have been times that the customer bought hours after the link was created. It might be because the link isn't really in their system yet when it is first created. Are you using the link right after you create it? Maybe wait until like 30 minutes after it is created to share it? I know that is totally inconvenient, but any issues with this type of link are NOT going to be on their priority list to fix! There are many times when I create a brand-new listing and then go try to find it on the front of the shop to click on... it's not available for quite a while. It's a big website and I know we used to be told updates could take 15 minutes to show up. It could be that type of situation.