Search not filtering properly

When I search as a buyer, the filters aren't working correctly. I click to search only vintage, but non-vintage items also show up in top results. It's very frustrating. I also can search for say, vintage turquoise necklace, and get bracelets within the top 10 listings. What is going on with Etsy's search engine? 

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Re: Search not filtering properly

I gave up on Etsy search long ago. Evidently, it works the way is programmed to work.

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Re: Search not filtering properly

they don't show you what you search for, they show you what they think you will buy

apparently the artificial intelligence is more artificial, and less intelligent

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Re: Search not filtering properly

It's never been good, but seems to only get worse. If I can't find what I'm seeking, and I'm a tenacious searcher, how can any potential buyer find what they are seeking on Etsy? I fear Etsy will lose relevance to those seeking unique one-of-a-kind items if it doesn't get its act together soon. 

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Re: Search not filtering properly

It's a win-win for etsy

you give up,

so you google it, you actually find it from an etsy seller, inadvertently click on an ad, and the buyer has to pay the offsite ad fee


.... I think I am getting cynical in my old age

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Community Maker

Re: Search not filtering properly

@CraftyCornishMaids  I have thought the exact same thing.  have had it happen.  search etsy, can't find.  google and there it is on etsy.

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Re: Search not filtering properly

@CraftyCornishMaids  yeap Etsy is not stupid, the Worse the Etsy results get the more money they get from the sellers for Off Site Ads!

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Re: Search not filtering properly


" I click to search only vintage, but non-vintage items also show up in top results."

A lot of that is probably sellers misrepresenting their product.

Counterfeiters and resellers have recently learned that they can "fool" Etsy by listing their counterfeited products as Vintage.  

Recently I searched "Vintage sunglasses" and almost the whole first page was a couple of resellers selling contemporary product, listed as Vintage. Because, of course, they sell their sunglasses over and over and over so they become more relevant in the search than actual vintage seller's, who usually only have one to sell.

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Re: Search not filtering properly

Etsy's search has been a mess for a long time. Even if you use the filters on the search, it's still a big mess.

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Re: Search not filtering properly

Since they have been messing a couple of weeks ago the search has got even worse, i was searching this morning for briolette gemstones and it started showing me Bralette, i think they must be promoting underwear!! give me strength!!

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Re: Search not filtering properly

just filter by "necklace" and that should take care of the second problem. I don't see any bracelets here:

The first problem is often seller error or outright cheating and only Etsy toughening their policy enforcement will fix that; it's not an algorithm issue. (Note I am not saying there are NO algorithm issues, just that this isn't usually one of them)


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Re: Search not filtering properly

Etsy's search would often correct the spelling on certain words I used - "sower" became "sewer" or a brand name would be 'rejected'.

Recently - yes, I just checked - a search for "vintage garden pest duster" or "vintage garden pest sprayer" Etsy has decided that I must be shown the results for a "Best" duster or sprayer. The results are shall we say, amusing.

Annoying as it was to see vintage housecoats, feather dusters or ads for plymouth automobiles thrown in with the "garden pest dusters" I'd usually try & persevere & one of the reason I also went with 'sprayers'.

Now that Etsy has decided to show me "best" things, they do offer to instead show me "pest" in all items.
Clicking that option - yes, show me "pest" in all items & I'll filter for vintage - instead shows me "vintage Best in all items".

I give up & and ponder what I should enter for search terms. But I will eventually come back with options or other creative ways. But hey, I'm retired & have time. What does the average buyer/browser do? Many probably leave in frustration.

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Re: Search not filtering properly

it was always really good at correcting spelling mistakes, but of late!! not really sure whats happened,i would love to of seen your results though (smiley face)

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Re: Search not filtering properly

Sellers are part of the problem.  They reuse listings for brand new items that have no relation to the item being copied or edited listing.  The system has problems with those.  Often the old bleeds through.

Sellers should not edit listings for a brand new item that bears no relation to the one the listing is for.  Copying is the same way.  Copying for a brand new item in no way related to the listing causes issues.  

The system has been known to hiccup and default to the earlier listing.

How are you searching?  Using the text box?  I always do something like vintage blue empire dress for example.  I know the system will show me vintage items.  But by the same token.  Some sellers incorrectly list their new items as vintage when they use vintage parts or a vintage style item.  They tag it vintage when it should not be.

Actually ETsy's search is not the worst.  I've encountered worse.  And I am also not fond of Amazon's which is really bad and some other venues which took me a lot of think to figure out how they do search.  I'll take Etsy's any day.  Not perfect but it is workable. 

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