Search is not bringing up shop names anymore!! WHY?

Hello all,

When I search for a certain shop name, there is no longer the prompt of "find shops containing ____" so I can click on the exact shop I am in search of.  Is this another test?  Because if it is, it is taking away possible sales from individual shops.  How are we to find the shop we are looking for if we haven't yet favourited it..?

Is this a bug?  A test?
Or am I missing something?

Thanks in advance!

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Re: Search is not bringing up shop names anymore!! WHY?

i just searched for your shop and it said...

"Did you mean the shop TheCrimsonBeetle?"

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Re: Search is not bringing up shop names anymore!! WHY?

It seems to come and go for me.  So frustrating.

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Re: Search is not bringing up shop names anymore!! WHY?

That is annoying! 

Though I did notice that after you enter the search results, right on top it asks "Did you mean the shop..."

Although this only works if you entered the full name. 

I tried it with your shop. 

If I put 'thecrimsonbeetle' into the search bar, then it gave me the link to your shop at the top of the search results.

If I put 'thecrimson' I got no suggestions for any shops. Same if I put in 'crimsonbeetle', no suggestions.

I really hope this is a test that goes away.... it was bad enough trying to tell people how to find shops before. This essentially makes it impossible. 

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Re: Search is not bringing up shop names anymore!! WHY?

I often remember part of a name and will put what I remember in so that it gives me all the options it could be. If I can't remember the exact shop name in full, then it's not going to give me any suggestions. 

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Re: Search is not bringing up shop names anymore!! WHY?

It's ironic how when you first click in the search box it says 'Search for anything'

When it should now say 'Search for anything (except individual shops)'

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Re: Search is not bringing up shop names anymore!! WHY?

I just found my shop - I searched the name and even though it came up with listings (some other shop's listings), it has the "Did you mean the shop ____" below (this could be a bit larger and more prominent in my opinion). 

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Re: Search is not bringing up shop names anymore!! WHY?

I noticed that shop names have also disappeared when you click on “explore related search terms” under a listing you are viewing. Or for ads. If I search a term in the search bar all listings are showing the shop names except for the ad listings but not when you click on explore related searches. I know this is a bit different than your original question but it does make me wonder if they are going to phase out showing shop names under listings in search results.

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Re: Search is not bringing up shop names anymore!! WHY?

There were already tests in the past where no shop names showed up in search results, so it's definitely something they've looked at before, phasing out our individuality.

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Re: Search is not bringing up shop names anymore!! WHY?

If you use your shop name as a tag it may  be in search if the search is not too large..but it might not be on page one or even page 250. Depends on the keywords in your shop name. The crimson beetle//maybe. The Red Hat Shop..probably not.

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Re: Search is not bringing up shop names anymore!! WHY?

It seems to be a test. I still have the search by shop name in this shop, but not in the others.

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Re: Search is not bringing up shop names anymore!! WHY?

I am having the same issue. When I type my shop name in search it does not give me an option to search specifically "shops". 

Also, the inconsistent nature of the availability of search via the dropdown box "Categories" is annoying. 


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Re: Search is not bringing up shop names anymore!! WHY?

It's very frustrating (along with the many other tests, resellers, scams, etc. that seem to be prevalent here on etsy), as I know a certain shop is listing new items soon, and I cannot find them.  What good can possibly come from not showing us shop names in search?  Sorry for the rant - this is just one more thing concerning me about etsy.  So much has changed, and usually not for the better.

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Re: Search is not bringing up shop names anymore!! WHY?

@TheCrimsonBeetle  You're right, I just tried it.  Even after typing my full Shop Name, there is no option to search for this Shop. *(desktop computer). Prior to now, the option was there, the last one on the drop down menu.  Another test. I can't see a reason for this, Buyers do search for Shop Name. 

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Re: Search is not bringing up shop names anymore!! WHY?

I knew what I was going to find, but searched anyway. Using both "thecrimsonbeetle" and "TheCrimsonBeetle".  No option to search for this Shop. I honestly don't know why many of these tests hinder the ability for Buyers to find Shops or individual items.

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Re: Search is not bringing up shop names anymore!! WHY?

Same thing is happening to me. Please let us know what is happening.

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Re: Search is not bringing up shop names anymore!! WHY?

@CountryRoseatHeart  Hi, In the Search Bar I typed "countryroseatheart". This normally would give me a drop down menu, "Did you mean the Shop...?"  There was no drop down menu though. However, in very small text, Flush Left and at top of search results, it says, "Did you mean the Shop CountryRoseatHeart?" (a link). I clicked it and it took me into your Shop. I swear I've not seen this until recently (If I'm wrong, somebody bop me over the head:)

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Re: Search is not bringing up shop names anymore!! WHY?

I don't know if it's a test or permanent, but yes, they recently took away the 'did you mean the shop' option from search in a browser. 

While it does give you the suggestion if you put in the name exactly, if you can't remember the whole name, like you only put in 'countryrose', then you get no suggestions (unless there's a shop named exactly that, which doesn't help 'countryroseatheart'). 

You do currently still have the 'search by shop' option in the orange buyer app. 

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Re: Search is not bringing up shop names anymore!! WHY?

I noticed this yesterday when I searched for two separate shops, it didn’t give me the option to search by shop name. Luckily I knew the full names of the shops so it did pull up their listings and then I went to the shop and searched for the listings. It was much harder to find the shop. I am also a seller. This may explain at least in  part why my sales are down. 

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Re: Search is not bringing up shop names anymore!! WHY?

I have started to type my shop name in one of the tags in every listing.

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Re: Search is not bringing up shop names anymore!! WHY?

This may be a test because I am still receiving the option.  When typing in a shop name a small notation appears saying "Do you mean the shop______".  Etsy is building their brand and may want to discourage sellers doing the same on their site. Etsy wants loyal and repeat buyers for Etsy, not necessarily individual shops.  If this becomes a permanent change it likely won't be beneficial for the site or sellers.

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