An item I sold in October 2024 appears to have renewed itself. Has anyone else had this happen recently?
I haven't. I do though check all listing boxes and manually set for renew. I do this on a regular basis as a just in case thing.
If there was only one in stock, and it sold, the listing should not renew, no matter what renewal setting it had.
This has happened to plenty of other sellers.
@Adorabilities The item was set to manual renewal, so should not have automatically renewed. I only had one of the item. I wonder how many other sellers have had this happen. Imagine how much revenue that would make for Etsy.
@BoudoirPrive This happens from time to time, especially if you renew items on your phone. There's a little box for manual or automatic renewal, and Etsy frequently sets the default to automatic renewal. They like to be "helpful" that way. The thing to do is what @LoonMtEmbroidnCrafts mentioned - set up a routine to bulk change the renewal settings to manual for everything in your shop. You never know whether there's one hidden in the middle of the pack. Fortunately you can get them all with one click.
Good to know. However, if it was sold out, the listing should not be available to be auto-renewed. That is supposed to be only for expired listings.
Exactly. When I renew items, I always check that they are set to manual renewal, unless I have more than one of them, in which case I do have a few which are on auto-renew. The piece in question was sold 2 months before it suddenly appeared as available again. I'd like to know how that can happen, as, I'm sure, do many others.
I never use my phone for Etsy, as it's so old now that it won't support the Etsy app. I therefore use my laptop for everything. When I renew items, I always check the box for manual renewal. This piece was sold 2 months before it suddenly renewed itself. I wonder how that can happen.
@BoudoirPrive Somehow that "sold out" part failed to register in my brain. (I guess it was Monday.)
That one has not happened to me that I can recall. Definitely something weird there. I use my laptop as well, even though my phone works with the app. It just seems easier to manage when it's bigger to see. Hope you get it sorted out.
My Shop is On Vacation. About a week ago, it showed views on an item ("Spooky" Ghost). The weird thing though, in Stats this item showed as "Active". Obviously, I knew it wasn't (nor should it be). I went to my Shop; of course, nothing showed. I went into Listings and selected Enable Renewal Options (setting it to Manual). I did the same for all of my items (Sold and Inactive). In the past, I've gone in and made sure all of my listings were on Manual Renewal (just in case it reverted to Auto on its own). I also have a Qty. of 1 on them (due to the fact they each have their own photo; no stock photos). It was odd however, that the "Spooky" Ghost showed as Active. None of my items are Active.
Make sure to speak to chat and get a refund for there convinent mistake, if they done that to every seller that would earn them close to 2 million each time
That was my thought too. Can't help wondering if this is another sneaky way to increase their revenue.
@BoudoirPrive Every couple of weeks I go into my Shop Manager, click on all listings and hit manual because this has been happening to people for a long time now.
@JustMeToo That's exactly what I was saying that I do. It has been happening a long time.