Hmmm, Quick Edit seems to have stopped working ?! When I try to add the item to a section I get that 'Oh dear something went wrong' banner. Same when I adjust prices. Come to think of it, I also get this when trying to adjust prices without going into Quick Edit. No way to adjust prices anymore unless you go into the listing. These features are really useful, can you please fix them, Etsy?
Just used this feature and it worked fine for me.
Are you using a browser? Try closing it and then reopen and see if that helps.
It might be related to a browser extension you are using - perhaps disable all extensions and try again. Then enable the extensions one at a time until the problem comes back. Then you will know which one is causing the problem.
If you are using the app (don't - it's rubbish). Try closing that and then reopen. It might just need rebooting.
I just noticed my internet is super slow today - maybe you have a similar issue.
Wow, thanks so much! It didn't occur to me it might be a browser issue. Will have a crack at fixing it that way.. Alice x