Hi there!
For awhile now, whenever I use quick edit in the Shop Manager to edit tags, I get the orange/red pop-up on the top of my screen saying Etsy ran into an issue, and my tags are not changed. Quick Edit is my main way to edit tags quickly in my store, so the fact that it is still not working for me is a bit annoying. Is anyone else having this problem with Quick Edit?
Nope. Just used it extensively this morning, in two different browsers. Try clearing your cache or using a different browser.
Sounds like a browser issue. Clean out the cache and reboot. Try a different browser.
Yes, I have an quick edit error too. Tried 3 different browsers and cleared caches, cookies etc... However, it works on my other account fine.
I have this problem too, only on desktop, works for me on app. Cache, cookies cleared, up to date browsers
I can't update my item quantities in quick edit either on my desktop. It keeps telling me to put in a shipping profile which I don't use or else I can't save any changes.
Still having problems editing and using quick edit.
I'm having trouble updating tags in Quick Edit today. I'm getting a red bar across the top with "Uh oh, something went wrong. Please try again."
I guess I'll have to edit each listing manually. *sigh*
Did you try a 3rd party editor like GetVela or ListPerfectly? Sometimes I can update on those when Etsy isn't cooperating and sometimes I will get the error there as well, depends where in the process the error is happening.
This started happening to me this week, and it turned out I had to update all my shipping profiles (for the international settings - domestic were fine as-is). It wasn't obvious from the error messages in quick edit that that was the problem. Once I updated the shipping profiles, the errors in quick edit went away. Maybe that will help?
Thanks. All working good now but I had to add shipping profiles on all my listings before I could do any editing. Annoying.
Good thing they've increased their fees and decreased features...
I'm having the same issue right now. It's very frustrating!! Why should we need to change browsers????
@MaggiesGemJewelryNot all browsers (and even versions of the same brand of browser) support the same features, and not all features are implemented the same. So depending on how the web page was written, something might work properly in one browser but not another.
This is still happening to me in quick edit. I cannot edit tags at all this way. I have mostly digital files, so there is no shipping and no shipping profile to add, so this won't work for me. Any other ideas? I've tried other browsers, clearing cache, etc. Nothing works. I just keep getting the uh oh message.
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