QOL Improvement: 'Dispatched with' and 'Marked Complete' not showing in Orders linked to Messages

This is a long-standing user interface quality-of-life issue that I would like to suggest an improvement on.

On Desktop browsers:
>If a buyer sends a message linked to a completed order, a handy 'Order History' expandable widget appears on the right.
>Clicking on this Order opens up a new tab with expanded order information.
>This order information page will NOT show any 'Dispatched with' or 'Marked Complete on [date]' information. This is true for both the 'old' and very recent 'new' version of this page with the Order details/Delivery info/Earnings sub-category tabs.

In order to view this information, sellers will have to:
>Do the first two steps above
>Look under the previous buyer's name and click on the small 'Order History', opening a new page.
>Find the appropriate order in the buyer's entire Order History
>Click it to expand more information.
>Only then will 'Dispatched with' or 'Marked Complete on [date]' information show (above the 'Note to buyer' section).


This information should just be made available straight away in the first scenario, to avoid all these extra clicks.

Sellers often have to check when orders are marked complete, in order to verify when orders were sent out - which is very common when dealing with delayed/lost/"when was my post dispatched" customer enquiries.

Thank you for considering this, especially with the new Order Detail menus currently being worked on.

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Re: QOL Improvement: 'Dispatched with' and 'Marked Complete' not showing in Orders linked to Message

Still an issue

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