Problem when renewing a listing.

Is anyone else having a problem when renewing a listing.

I making some changes every time I renew something.

When you click renew it says if you leave you may lose content or something like that.

So you have to click on leave and it is then renewed.

This has been going on for at least 3 days.

It works but is not correct. And some may hesitate to click leave.

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19 Replies

Re: Problem when renewing a listing.

Is anyone else having renewal issues?  Tried to renew my expired listings today and it won't let me?  I'm also having issues with receiving customer sale notifications/emails yet I receive all other emails from Etsy???

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Re: Problem when renewing a listing.

I get the word leave at the top when I try to renew. Then it says if you leave you may lose changes you made.

But now I click on leave and it renews. I did a chat with Etsy. They had no idea what I was talking about. So said forget it and just click leave now.

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Conversation Maker

Re: Problem when renewing a listing.

If you are on the new listing form try going back to the old one and see if it will work. I couldn't renew anything one day this week and was finally told by help to do that as she couldn't figure out what the problem was. While still on the phone tried it and it wouldn't let me renew either. She couldn't resolve the problem and said would send to technical and they would get back to me. No one got back to me however late that night decided to try again and old listing form worked for me. Someone else mentioned in forums this morning that they were having same problem and tried real early of a morning and it would work for them early, but not later in day.  The person I talked to did state there are glitches they are working on. There is several forum threads on this.

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Re: Problem when renewing a listing.

My old lister is gone.

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Re: Problem when renewing a listing.

Yes when i try to renew from my listings and change a word or picture. The new way wont list, so i have to go back to old way and it works.  If they take old way from me, i wont be able to renew on new way 

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Re: Problem when renewing a listing.

I've been having this problem, too. A dialogue bubble comes up & says changes may not be saved it you leave. Just click leave and the listing will renew. I've done it a few times & it always works.

A new issue I discovered while renewing a listing was that something was wrong with my "core description" I looked everything over & it all seemed okay. For the heck of it I clicked on attributes and there is where I found all the stuff that had gone missing on the new form ie. age of listing, who made it etc... The age/year of listing was blank. The old form was way easier and intuitive. This new form is just awful.

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Re: Problem when renewing a listing.

I get the same bubble about losing changes if I leave and now I just click leave and it works. But it should be fixed because I am sure some people won't click it.

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Re: Problem when renewing a listing.

It says they are having trouble renewing my listing and if it persists to contact support..

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Re: Problem when renewing a listing.

I was trying in one of my shops to copy and edit and list and edit new photos into a similar sold item and it would not let me do either. I had to start with a brand new listing. Boo... contact Etsy support..yeah..right. with the tens of thousands plus other sellers trying to contact them about listing issues. They need to put a live admin presence back in the tech forum who can at least pass issues and people on to actual help or at least say This is a known issue we are working on. Instead it is just silence.

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Re: Problem when renewing a listing.

I’m still using the old one. I tried the new one a few times and get too frustrated. I had the same problems you are having. I have no idea what will happen when the old form goes away. 

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Re: Problem when renewing a listing.

When I relist an item I noticed that I must put the Amount I'm selling in the QUANTITY box. Otherwise I get an error. Hope this helps.

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Re: Problem when renewing a listing.

The issue seems to be when you are editing an expired listing or sold out listing. Anyway, that’s what I had an issue with 

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Betreff: Problem when renewing a listing.

Ich habe ebenfalls Probleme mit dem neuen Listing, wenn ich einen ausverkauften Artikel erneuern möchte. Da ich den Artikel in drei verschiedenen Varianten anbiete und beispielsweise nur Größe "S" wieder vorrätig habe, stelle ich gewöhnlich nur hierfür die Anzahl auf 1 und belasse die beiden anderen Varianten auf 0. Leider kommt hierbei dann der Fehler hoch und ich kann nicht speichern. Mit dem alten Formular geht es, allerdings ist dieses nur noch eine Woche verfügbar. Der Chat war gestern nicht erreichbar.
Momentan kann ich nur generell auf "erneuern" klicken, was dazu führt, dass alle drei Varianten mit dem Bestand "1" gelistet werden. Im Anschluss muss ich den Artikel bearbeiten und die Varianten wieder auf 0 setzen, die ich noch nicht wieder auf Lager habe.

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Conversation Maker

Re: Problem when renewing a listing.

I've been wondering about this issue too, every time I tried to renew, a pop up said changes may not have been saved so leave or cancel. I would click on "Cancel" and tried clicking on the renew button and it will renew. It does make you worry if the changes made have been saved or not.

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Inspiration Seeker

Re: Problem when renewing a listing.

getting this message  can't get esty support

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Re: Problem when renewing a listing.

A reported work around is to publish it then immediately deactivate/edit it. Is that what we should have to resort to?? Hell no. (if you are trying to edit then renew a sold out listing)

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Re: Problem when renewing a listing.

This problem has been occurring for weeks, maybe months, and still no solution!

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Re: Problem when renewing a listing.

Have had good luck clicking on the leave button.  It publishes the listing, but I immediately check to make sure any price changes have gone through correctly, because there have been reported problems of prices not sticking.

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Re: Problem when renewing a listing.

The "Leave" button is saving for me too now.  But information is not always transferring accurately and needs to be reedited.  The "Publish" button does not work as it should. 

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