I haven't been able to get images to show on mobile or the app. At all. They're all up-to-date, uninstalled and reinstalled several times. Not a single image shows anywhere. Just a description. That's all I get. The app is absolutely useless without being able to see what it is I wish to buy. Same with using any browser on mobile. This has been happening for months now and nowhere have I found a solution for it. Before anyone suggest I just use my PC, that's not the point I'm making. That's the only place I can see pictures on etsy. The app is useless. I'm not loading anything because I no longer sell here, I'm just trying to shop.
You have no listings so there is nothing to show.
@NanaLetha: I think that CreationsByChaosfay is reporting this as a buyer not a seller.
As a buyer, not a seller. I no longer sell on etsy.
@CreationsByChaosfay: Can't speak for the app, but do you have some (security) setting on your mobile browser or mobile device that is preventing the images from downloading?
Unlikely seeing as I can see images on every other website, including tumblr, search engines, wikipedia, and ko-fi.
@CreationsByChaosfay: But it is possible to block images in your browser only from a specific site. Perhaps something accidentally set itself.
Or the Etsy image serving domain may be blocked on your device or browser.
I'm on desktop, exact same browser, no issue. On mobile and the app, I can't even see the logos/icons each of you has. It's just your name and a circle. That's it. This weird and extremely irritating. Why would ever image be blocked with only a description on mobile when the settings are identical to what I have on desktop?
@CreationsByChaosfay: Have you tried right clicking on one of the "images" that is not appearing and doing an Open Image In New Tab to see what happens?
Last I checked, I can't do that on a mobile device, which is where I run into this process. It's the app and browser. On Desktop, zero issue.
I'm sorry about that. I don't use the App (Seller or Buyer, never have). I've heard many times that the Seller App is lousy, but I didn't know about pictures not showing on the Buyer App as well, or mobile browser for that matter.
I can now see pics on my tablet and PC, but not on my phone.