Why have the page buttons in shop changed to all look the same, there is not indicator to tell which page you are on...
I see what you mean. Programmers are probably playing around again.
I'm not seeing it - perhaps it's a test.
I am however seeing that the page number buttons are more lozenge shape now whereas they used to be round.
I spotted this about 3 days ago. It's driving me crazy. I had to rearrange my shop and I couldn't determine what page I was on and what page I was moving the items to. Another ridiculous change that is totally unnecessary.
same here. really annoying
"Fixing" more stuff that isn't broken, part eleventy billion.
Yes, and it's the same on almost any paginated page you're viewing - a shop's item and review pages, our own stat pages, etc. At least add a 'stop' sign or significantly fade out the page number you already viewed. All it does now is 'plump' a tiny bit when clicking on the page # and then goes back to normal.
I have seen this too and I can't keep track of what page I was on. I kept returning to the same page. When you are looking to find something to purchase this makes it even harder to find. Where am I? What have I looked at? Who am I ???????? Not good Etsy!
They must've done a test that told them buyers preferred slightly elongated buttons & spent 10% more on their orders because of them.
If you look up at the page URL, you will see the page number there. That should at least help you when you're shopping. And no one should have to have a workaround for simple website navigation.
Ok i thought i was gong crazy or was a bit slow and didnt notice something but sadly seems it is annoying to others too...just hope my customers dont get annoyed, please etsy , fix this,
I noticed this too; I wonder how this is supposed to be helpful.
Apparently, while changing the button shape, that function was binned.
Riddle .............
When is an improvement not an improvement?
LMBO as usual here on Etsy
When designed by an Etsy programmer....
I don't dare answer that riddle here.
I noticed this as well. I can't even tell which page I left off at when shopping or browsing. I don't see how this is a valuable test, if it is a test.
Looks like they fixed it in at least one area. When going thru the pages of a shop's items, clicking on the number bubbles now outlines them.
Yep, I just checked and I see the same thing. Now the page number you are on will show a border around the little rectangle.
@TheVintagePineapple Thanks for the heads up. I just checked and noticed this as well. The page numbers now have a bubble outline. This is much better and workable.