I'm not sure if this fits in "Technical Issues" or somewhere else.  I have never written anything about Etsy changes, etc.  But I absolutely have to say something about the new ORANGE + Purple bars at the top of the Etsy Home Page.  Please NO! It is so jarring, not aesthetic in the least.  It's so attention grabbing I can barely concentrate while I'm on the site.  Seriously, please take it off. 

Conversation Maker

Re: Orange and Purple Bar at the top of Etsy Homepage


I personally am not a fan but I am really pleased to see that someone does

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Re: Orange and Purple Bar at the top of Etsy Homepage

I like the new layout and actually like orange very much.  I even like purple and orange together if the hues and undertones are in the same family.

I am not a fan of the clashing colors of bright dark orange with dusty pastel lavender together. It is an ugly, jarring color combo and clashes with most of the images in search and most of the home pages I clicked on.

If they would switch the lavender with another less jarring color combo, or even keep the general colors but switch the color shades so the undertones are in the same hue family, it would not be so bad.

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Re: Orange and Purple Bar at the top of Etsy Homepage

I think the important question is how that color reflects all other colors from sellers, if you add bright colors as main accent colors, that take over the website look, how does that make your listing preview stand out since sellers have already a lot going on on their thumbnails why is Etsy fighting for the brand attention, I'm sure buyers know where they are, the orange color is just over the top?

I understand Etsy wants their color to be seen, but there should be a fine line between good taste and pushing your own agenda!

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Re: Orange and Purple Bar at the top of Etsy Homepage

Maybe Etsy is trying for Halloween with the orange, don't know about the purple.

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Re: Orange and Purple Bar at the top of Etsy Homepage

Thirty years ago as a young woman, I had a fab outfit that was mainly orange with some purple. I wore it a lot and always got compliments. Perhaps that colour combo has come back into fashion? 

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Re: Orange and Purple Bar at the top of Etsy Homepage

I posted this earlier.  

I don't think the issue is the color combo.  The issue is that the hues used are very jarring and clashing, not only with many listings but also with each other.  Purple and orange can look fantastic together,  but the undertones need to be complimentary and in the same family.

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Re: Orange and Purple Bar at the top of Etsy Homepage

@CostumeCoutureNaomi @I agree. There’s absolutely no connection or foundational basic undertone/hue among these colors. They scream disconnect and they fight one another.  It’s almost as if Etsy doesn’t want to grow up to become a more sophisticated site….they want to continue to be a perpetual Peter Pan.

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Conversation Maker

Re: Orange and Purple Bar at the top of Etsy Homepage

After all the cripe that E has done, like moving the descriptions down where no one can see them, i can live with the orange and purple . I agree it's jarring, though.  

If all they do is change the colors, and not mess with the integral parts of  our shops anymore, I'll be grateful.

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Re: Orange and Purple Bar at the top of Etsy Homepage


I also hate the orange banner. 
However, you might be pleased to see that in my shop there are no more headlines or titles!! Starts with price, and  goes immediately to description. I think this might be a GOOD change, as you noted they had to click on the description, which many did not do, so I had to answer questions that were in it. 

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Re: Orange and Purple Bar at the top of Etsy Homepage

Sometimes I think Etsy is run by toddlers! Or maybe it was bring your kids to work day? 
i really hate it, does not go with my banners and brand

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Re: Orange and Purple Bar at the top of Etsy Homepage

Hi, I'd rather have to see the orange banner than my item photos showing that aren't my thumbnail choice!!! 

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Re: Orange and Purple Bar at the top of Etsy Homepage

Etsy doesn't really bother with this forum. So, you know, venting your frustration here? Don't hold your breath for Etsy to catch wind. Nope, they're not big on listening, never have been. It's mainly other folks like us, fellow sellers who get why you're mad, reading this stuff. But right now, no magic fix in sight, unfortunately. What could help though? Give Etsy a shout directly using Customer Support. I just did it a second ago, actually. You should totally do the same. If enough of us sound off, who knows? Maybe they'll backtrack on this thing (or figure out a better mix of colors, fingers crossed).

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Re: Orange and Purple Bar at the top of Etsy Homepage

I agree 100%!! Jarring ugly orange and truly alarming. It looked like my home page has caught fire. It is on both PC version and my ETSY APP version. Truly is the strongest possible way I dislike it. It also encourages someone who just landed on MY page to search all of ETSY for what they want, instead of searching in my shop, in the lower menu. Not happy at all with this. 
NEW CHANGE: Have you also noticed they have now REMOVED ALL TITLES from every listing!? You just get the price first, then the description with no title. I guess this might be good because they get more info without clicking on the description. Not sure yet about this one. 
DesignsbyDianeR, Diane Ruede

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Re: Orange and Purple Bar at the top of Etsy Homepage

Lean Cuisine recently started using orange as the background on their frozen meal boxes. It is so gaudy and distracting that my eyes hurt when I try to look at the photo of the food. Needless to day I have been trying a lot of other "new to me" brands. (I'm a little old lady who hates to cook.) PLEASE, let's go back to the original Logo,


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Conversation Maker

Re: Orange and Purple Bar at the top of Etsy Homepage

Hate it, couldn't they spend the $ on the things that actually need to be fixed, like real seller support?????

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Re: Orange and Purple Bar at the top of Etsy Homepage

With all the serious issues with Etsy as a seller (and for those buyers too), I find it inane to waste employee time on new color bands at the top of the page!  They are irritating - unnecessary - and make the bar links hard to read.

Etsy - take it off

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Re: Orange and Purple Bar at the top of Etsy Homepage

I thought for a moment I was at Home Depot.

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Re: Orange and Purple Bar at the top of Etsy Homepage

Tomorrow we'll probably wake up to twirly things and flashing lights on the home page like we're at an amusement park. We have to wonder everyday what the next change will be. 

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Re: Orange and Purple Bar at the top of Etsy Homepage

It helps minimize the visual presence or individual shops and reminds everyone this is Eyts site.

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Re: Orange and Purple Bar at the top of Etsy Homepage

The bar looks cheap, like some start up on line venue might try. Also, the shop icon is also very small, I have two shops and sometimes its difficult to make out which of my shops I'm in.

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Re: Orange and Purple Bar at the top of Etsy Homepage

That color combination should be on a paint can label. I feel bad for so many sellers with beautiful, artsey, pastel banners up there and then along comes this gaudy orange and lavender mix, like a bird just pooped on their shop.

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Re: Orange and Purple Bar at the top of Etsy Homepage

It's distracting and annoying like so many of Etsy's "upgrades" like the new way to list an item.

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Crafty Poster

Re: Orange and Purple Bar at the top of Etsy Homepage

I have to say it is a little jarring. It does increase my response time in scrolling down to get rid of it. Does it have to be so bright!

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Crafty Poster

Re: Orange and Purple Bar at the top of Etsy Homepage

Would be nice if etsy fixed the attributes for women's dresses instead. They are fashion challenged. The attributes make absolutely zero sense. They need help! also an actual category for vintage clothing that does not kick you out when you search it!!!!!!!! This has been going on for years. Fix it ETSY. 

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Re: Orange and Purple Bar at the top of Etsy Homepage

We just went through a few minutes of unstyled pages (CSS file update?) and at least for us the orange banner is gone.

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