I was checking my shop and scrolled down to the bottom of the page and someone has imbedded a pornographic shop page and I cannot figure out how to delete it. Have any of you ever had this happen? What did you do to get rid of it?? Please help!!!

Conversation Maker

Re: Offensive Pictures at the Bottom of my product page

I have been subjected to some pretty offensive images. None of which involved nudity, pornography, or the human body.

Just bad photography.

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Re: Offensive Pictures at the Bottom of my product page

I can attest to what @RiverCityJAC is saying I think he may have been looking at the items in my shop for too long.

Even my eyes start to hurt after looking at my poor shop photo's

the irony is My father is a photographer and I don't think I inherited even basic skills to take descent pictures. 

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Conversation Maker

Re: Offensive Pictures at the Bottom of my product page

Another seller had an issue like this not too long ago. I looked at her listings and indeed there were suggestions for other listings at the bottom of the page that were definitely x-rated.  It happens.

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Re: Offensive Pictures at the Bottom of my product page

I lead such a dull life, it's been years since I saw anything pornographic on any pages I've looked at.  

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Inspiration Seeker

Re: Offensive Pictures at the Bottom of my product page

I was shocked it’s so easy to stumble into porn on Etsy I was searching for knitted baby and dolls clothes this week and listings for photos of naked well endowed women came up tagged underneath someone’s shop who was selling knits, I’m assuming the words baby and doll were the key words.  My concern is a child could looking for dolls clothes maybe for Christmas after all etsy is a shopping site you don’t expect to be directed to porn so easily I’ve never seen it on Amazon or eBay I’m afraid etsy has fallen even further down the pan for me.

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Re: Offensive Pictures at the Bottom of my product page

Exactly.  And it doesn't have to be a child to be problematic.  If you're a buyer, search for something common, and are fed "mature" items do you think you would continue to shop or would you go elsewhere?  I know what my answer would be.

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Re: Offensive Pictures at the Bottom of my product page

Yes, that is what came up on the bottom of my page!! Horrible and sick!  I hope people don't think I watch this!

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Re: Offensive Pictures at the Bottom of my product page

Actually, I find the listings for mass produced "handmade" items like Doritos, Kit Kats, clothing and rugs much more offensive.  Pornography I can turn off and mass produced items are everywhere.

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Conversation Maker

Re: Offensive Pictures at the Bottom of my product page

But sorry guys, the real question is: why Etsy let people upload this kind of products and photos?
I read somewhere in this forum that they have an alghoritm that can scan images of a product and understand if match with the search term. If they have this technology, why do they let people upload these products?

I reall can't understand...

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Conversation Maker

Re: Offensive Pictures at the Bottom of my product page

I guess they generate sales and make money.  I have done a LOT of searches on eBay and have never encountered this problem.  Of course eBay actually enforces their policy against "adult" listings.  Which, by the way, is one reason so many of those sellers have migrated here.  They know that Etsy tolerates them, policy or no policy.

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Conversation Maker

Re: Offensive Pictures at the Bottom of my product page

@NickiesNest does Ebay has more fees than etsy? Are you experienced with that platform?

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Re: Offensive Pictures at the Bottom of my product page


eBay fees are higher than Etsy.  I have been there for a couple of years now.  I sell vintage, so one-of-a-kind items.  In the beginning, sales on the 2 sites were roughly 50/50 but eBay has been almost dead for me for quite a while now and Etsy has been doing well--although with ups and downs.  eBay gives up to 250 listings for free so there is little downside to listing there, other than time spent, and I find the listing process goes quickly.

One thing I really like is that as a seller, you can see sold items/prices not just current listings which helps in listing & pricing decisions.  The downside is that prices tend to be lower and, for vintage, often there will be many more of an item listed there than on Etsy.

Just as here, their user chat board is filled with complaints and scam experiences, but mostly from video game/electronics sellers.  

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Conversation Maker

Re: Offensive Pictures at the Bottom of my product page

@NickiesNest thank you a lot for sharing your experience. Do you know about SEO stuffs on Ebay how is? 

Better or worst than etsy? More stable on alghoritms?

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Conversation Maker

Re: Offensive Pictures at the Bottom of my product page

@ImmerseArtStudio   I don't really worry about SEO and I don't do any social media.  But I will say that eBay search is light years better than Etsy because it actually shows you what you ask for without all the extraneous listings that happen to contain one word of your search.  Old timers there complain that search is broken, but they have no idea just how bad it can be.  I think it also depends a lot on what you buy and sell.

They have many many more categories than Etsy and when you start a listing with a title it suggests the category, which 9 times out of 10 is the best one.  There are pros and cons to the listing format, but the one I appreciate the most is not having to think up key words or tags.

Perhaps the biggest negative is that they are pushing hard to pay an additional fee for a "promoted listing" and the recommended amount has skyrocketed.  But I rarely promote anything--maybe why my orders are down. LOL

I don't want to make it sound like paradise--it's definitely not, but it IS different.

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Re: Offensive Pictures at the Bottom of my product page

@NickiesNest uhm ok it's clear. Thank you

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Betreff: Offensive Pictures at the Bottom of my product page


Etsy CEO Mr. Silverman is so proud of the fact that Etsy search not only reads what you write in the search box, but even KNOWS what you actually REALLY want.
I would appreciate it if you would post your comment about your search for baby clothes and dolls in this thread as well


I think it is very important that Etsy learns what these search results actually look like - and that it is not an improvement at all.

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Betreff: Offensive Pictures at the Bottom of my product page

@Somethinks2Design Great quotation!

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Re: Offensive Pictures at the Bottom of my product page

Lol, calm down. 
I went to your shop and randomly clicked a listing. It suggested cross stitch or embroidery stuff, glass vases, signed art (“more from this shop” and “more like this” sections) and some other items very vaguely related to things I’ve searched for on Etsy. Like animal themed things (I was looking for a cow photo prop as inspiration for a custom order I just did) like dog bandannas and cat beds.  Taylor Swift items, because I searched a shop with her name in it that tried to join a FB group I help admin, mass produced bedding also probably related to the cat beds because I was looking at cows. All the rest was in the “related searches” section. 
 It’s picking up random words you’ve used and stupidly matching them to other items for sale when YOU are looking at your shop, because they’ve made the algorithm show us what they think we want based off of one word that may match something else. Ignore them, don’t click on them, search for other things or different word combos and they’ll eventually get pushed out. 

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Conversation Maker

Re: Offensive Pictures at the Bottom of my product page

@TootieandTadpole maybe the problem is not so great impact, but maybe is only related to some kind of searches

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