Has any one else noticed that the Occasions field shows up as an optional dropdown on some of their listing descriptions and not others? Even weirder, some when the Occasions field does show up, it doesn't include all the same occasions across listings. For example, "pet loss" is included as a dropdown option on one of my listings but not on another.
The attributes are based on the Categories and sub-cats.
* I see you offer some memorial jewelry, yet searching your shop for "Pet loss" shows no results.
Thanks for the insight! I was wondering if attributes are based on the categories. I guess I could test that with a new test listing and just go through changing the categories and see what attributes become available based on that. Weird though. It seems pretty random - I sell all jewelry and I don't see how occasion attributes would differ so significantly based on necklace vs earrings vs rings.
I wonder if entering the occasion as one of the tags would somewhat offset the search results i.e include the term "pet loss" as a tag since it's not available in the ring and necklace category (but it is available as an occasion for earrings but I don't have earrings that are for "pet loss"). So weird.
Same here. Should I put the attributes, such as measurements, in the listing title or description instead?