Hello friends!
I stopped receiving email notification when I make a sale. I'm receiving emails to the address, just not Etsy's. My settings have not changed.
The emails are not going to Spam or trash. I'm missing about 15 orders!
Has anyone experienced this or have a fix?
@lymeladyshop: This forum is full of threads about your issue. Are you receiving any eMails from Etsy?
You are not receiving any Etsy eMails, you may want to check that your eMail address is still confirmed. You can do that it your Account Settings.
Presuming that the eMail was sent, many bad things can happen after the eMail has left Etsy's eMail server. Your eMail provider or Internet Service Provider or even a relaying server could be blocking the eMail in error and it never even makes it to your eMail client much less your SPAM or junk folder.
Again presuming that the eMail was sent and depending on where in the process the eMail was blocked and who your eMail provider is, sometimes whitelisting the sending domain can help.
Thank you for your replay. I was able to contact Etsy and they said my email address was being blocked. They don't know why and "are working on it"
I greatly appreciate the email server information!