Wonderful, Etsy is doing something against all the spam we receive...

Sadly it is now completely getting out of hand as messages from potential buyers asking for serious information, can end up directly in the spam folder.
I just found a 2 day old message in the spam box from someone wanting sizing information about one of my items. 

Please be aware of this. 

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Re: Non spam ends up directly in Spam folder!

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Also another element to this is that customers will see it as your shop and not Etsy has blocked the seller, based on customer feedback. This of course may impact your star seller.

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Re: Non spam ends up directly in Spam folder!

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Thanks for this post, which prompted me to have a look in my spam folder, have never thought to check before.  In there, was a message from a buyer, 6th March, asking to change the house number on her address as she'd made a mistake on her order.  I did not see her message.  Guess that's another job for me to do - check spam to see if Etsy has put genuine messages in there.

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Re: Non spam ends up directly in Spam folder!

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Thank you for posting this - just checked my spam and found a message sent 6 days ago from a potential customer. I never check my spam folder on here, so would never have seen! 

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Re: Non spam ends up directly in Spam folder!

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Same, just checked my spam and found 2 messages in there, neither were spam.

One message was a reply from a potential buyer -- we had been talking about their order needs and then suddenly the messages went to spam with their latest reply.  I don't get that one at all!  It wasn't a long thread over days or anything either.  Just 2 messages from the buyer.  I'll be checking my spam folder regularly going forward and if it happens again will make a report but honestly I don't have all the time in the world to be making reports when the site doesn't function as it should.  I'm already having issues with tracking not always being accepted for star seller, now this.... 

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Re: Non spam ends up directly in Spam folder!

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I posted this in another thread but wanted to warn sellers of it here as well. I had a legit message go to my Spam folder. I contacted Chat to document it, they told me to move the message to my Inbox so I could respond to it. There is no way to do that, all you can do is mark the message as NOT SPAM. Upon doing that the message completely disappeared. The chat agent acknowledged they have no idea where the message went. Thankfully the agent initially asked me the name of the potential buyer when we first started the chat, so I was able to search for the message that way.

Regardless, the message is not in any folder, the chat person doesn't know where it's located and I have no idea if my response will be received. It's a loss anyhow as the message was weeks old and the potential buyer was interested in a quick delivery. What a mess!

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Inspiration Seeker

Re: Non spam ends up directly in Spam folder!

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This is getting out of hand. I’m missing roughly 4 new, legit potential customers messages per day because they’re getting sent to spam. And we’re not getting emails about the message when it’s sent to spam. Major implications for business growth. This has to be fixed asap.

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Re: Non spam ends up directly in Spam folder!

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So glad I saw this!! Went to my SPAM  folder and found 2 messages from customers. One was regarding an order I am working on. Oddly, the order doesn't show on the right side of his message. 

The other was regarding an order that already shipped. 

This is not good!!!!

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Inspiration Seeker

Re: Non spam ends up directly in Spam folder!

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This happened to me yesterday! I stumbled upon the message quite by chance as I was searching for a message from a customer with the same name. I couldn't understand why there was an unread message from the previous day which wasn't in my inbox. Eventually realised it was in spam (didn't even realise there was a spam folder!)  It was especially bad as I make pet keepsake products and the lady had sent me a long message with lovely photos of her pets, one of whom was now very poorly, and she was saying she wanted to order that day. I replied apologetically but I guess by then it was too late as she didn't get back to me. I felt more bad for effectively ignoring her lovely message than for the lost sale. Strangely when I looked in the spam folder there was another message from the previous week from someone who had already placed an order so was a legit customer?! Clearly we need to regularly look in the spam folder and I don't think it's even possible on the app so need to use browser version...

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Re: Non spam ends up directly in Spam folder!

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I just saw this thread while browsing the forum. Out of caution I checked my spam folder ... 14 legitimate messages dating from March 21 through yesterday. Etsy needs to fix this ASAP!

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Re: Non spam ends up directly in Spam folder!

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Same is happening for me.  I was awaiting a message from a person who I had asked to send me a message via Etsy and never received  any notification like I normally receive to say there was a message. After contacting them via another means they told me they has sent me two messages on Etsy.  I eventually found these in my spam folder along with another message from someone else.  I could have been missing out on orders by not receiving notifications as I don't usually check my messages as I rely on receiving notifications from Etsy to let me know there is something there.  Lesson learned!! 

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Re: Non spam ends up directly in Spam folder!

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This has been happening to me and I have a ticket in with Etsy and the Engineers are working on it. But last night I discovered a new twist ... or, a twist I hadn't known about when I talked to the tech people: I am, of course, checking my Spam folder obsessively now and last night I saw that there was a new message in my spam folder. I recognized the name and it turns out it was a message from a customer who had ordered last evening and we have had an ongoing conversation in my regular message folder. When I discovered her first message in my spam folder, I wrote to apologize for not replying to her before her order but that I had missed her first message. When I went back to our ongoing message thread, my apology was there in that message thread but her "spam" message I was apologizing for missing was not there. She must be wondering about my sanity at this point. I went back to her original message in my spam folder and my reply is not there. This is an odd situation and I just thought I'd share in case anyone else is thinking of replying to the spam messages. I'm not sure where the reply would go if there was no open, ongoing thread in the normal inbox. Confusing doesn't seem to be adequate to describe this situation... good luck everyone. Let's hope they get it resolved very soon. 

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Re: Non spam ends up directly in Spam folder!

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I had a similar experience. I get atleast 30 messages a day as we do a lot of custom work. Same situation with a customer and her message. Sure, she thinks I am completely losing it. LOL

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Re: Non spam ends up directly in Spam folder!

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It's very embarrassing to have to apologise to customers who did not get a reply for days! I normally always reply within a couple of hours! To be sure I do explain that it is due to a technical problem on the Etsy platform.

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Re: Non spam ends up directly in Spam folder!

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I had a message in spam that was over a week old!  It was something the customer needed shipped out quickly. Needless to say, I lost the sale and apologized for the glitch Etsy has in their messaging system at the moment. Not a good look for me or Etsy.

I can't for the life of me understand why Etsy hasn't pinned a message in the forums alerting everyone to this issue. They should also be sending an email to all sellers as well. You would think since this is costing seller sales, and in turn losing Etsy money, that someone would address this.

On another note, thank you to the sellers who came here and alerted everyone to this problem. I've had several non-spam messages land in my spam folder since this all began. I've also had messages I've replied to and marked as NOT SPAM land back in the spam folder. I just received a good size order today from a message I rescued from spam. Thankfully I saw it in time and was able to respond to the buyers questions. 

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Re: Non spam ends up directly in Spam folder!

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Happening to me, too! 

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Re: Non spam ends up directly in Spam folder!

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Ugh another one! At least this one is only 21 hours old, so I was able to answer. Hope they didn't move on already. I like to answer messages in under 2 hours.

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Conversation Maker

Re: Non spam ends up directly in Spam folder!

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I found another on this morning. It's the weekend. Nothing gets fixed on etsy on the weekends.

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Re: Non spam ends up directly in Spam folder!

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I rarely look at my spam folder but this thread made me look There was one message from 3 weeks ago of someone telling me they had a lot of stuff to sell if I was in their area.(I will not be) I assume I was not the only seller they sent it too and the multiple identical messages were flagged as spam? Maybe for some it is not a seller issue but a sender issue?

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Re: Non spam ends up directly in Spam folder!

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This is happening to me too. 3 people in the past week. I remove them from spam, reply to them, and they are back in my spam when the reply.

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Re: Non spam ends up directly in Spam folder!

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make that 4...just checked and a new one is there that someone sent 2 hours ago.



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Re: Non spam ends up directly in Spam folder!

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I just found out today that this happened in my shop!! I never saw any incoming message on my iPhone nor any open message on my desktop. I rarely look at spam folder but noticed today there was a number 1 there today, when I checked it I was surprised to see there was a request for a large custom order 7 DAYS AGO!! It was needed by this coming weekend so, unfortunately, I missed out on a big order and I really need the sales since orders have dropped in my shop! This really makes me so angry, I wrote back to the customer explaining what happened but it's too late for their need by date!  

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Re: Non spam ends up directly in Spam folder!

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@EventsEclectic Still me but in my other shop, just found a message from 3 days ago. NOT SPAM! It was a request for multiple purchase discount and I sure hope I don't lose a possibly big sale because of this. I replied with my apology and still offered a discount, hope they are still interested & not offended that I didn't reply. Hope this doesn't affect my star rating in either of my shops!


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Re: Non spam ends up directly in Spam folder!

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Just found this forum after finding the same thing. I searched to see if it was happening to anyone else and sure enough it’s happening to a ton of shops. I had 10 messages over the last week that went to spam automatically. It is infuriating that legitimate clients asking questions are going directly to SPAM. I think what is the hardest part is the apps don’t show it and so unless you use a browser you would never know it was in SPAM. Lost business is not a good look on your Etsy.

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Re: Non spam ends up directly in Spam folder!

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Had this happen about three times in the past couple weeks.  Very frustrating.  

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Re: Non spam ends up directly in Spam folder!

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I sent an email to Etsy support like it suggested but haven’t heard back. Two more messages ended up there today. I am just going to have to make it routine to check it daily now.

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