I have been receiving spam messages asking for my email daily now. But this is a new one impersonating Etsy doing essentially the same thing. Just to give you guys a headsup:

Message I received is below (Copy pasted it)

Неllo, Dear Seller. Welcomе tо Etsy technical support! Your item has been paid for by the buyer but an error occurred as a result of the order processing and the order cannot be displayed in your personal account, please entеr your 𝐞-𝐌𝐚𝐢𝐥 in this chat to receive a customized form to confirm the sale of your item. Thank you!

This message was sent automatically by the system. This account is temporary and will be deactivated within a few hours.

Re: New form of spam

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I got this message yesterday -

It's paraphrased: "Love your work - I have an idea that I'd like to discuss with you'

I'm a curious person so I respond 'Sure - I'm interested in ideas'

Person responds 'I work with a group of people who develop web sites for free to promote artists ... are you interested in a free web site'.

I respond 'sure' - at this point I'm wary but ... curious.

Next message says 'Share your email so we can send examples of our work and discuss how this works'.

I respond 'Please send me a link to one of your websites and I'm happy to discuss here'

No response ... before the responses were instantaneous. Then this morning the sender says, as, 'great - please let me know your email'.

So into the spam folder it goes.


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Conversation Maker

Re: New form of spam

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I get lots of those, here and on instagram. All fake, all spam, and I don't ever respond to " I love your work " messages. 

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Re: New form of spam

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So the solution seems to be missing from the post , Yes its a scam but what are ETSY doing to stop spam messages?

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Re: New form of spam

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Lol! Supposed Self destructing sender message accounts now!? Lol! Crazy

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Re: New form of spam

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This account is temporary and will be deactivated within a few hours.

Brilliant... sounds like a mission impossible film... 'this tape will self destruct in 5 seconds'

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Re: New form of spam

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OMG--I was just going to post the same exact thing! LOL

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Inspiration Seeker

Re: New form of spam

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I got a photo of a 'sort of complete' order on a cell phone as a message from a customer.  "Albert" sent this..... https://i.etsystatic.com/icm/b406f8/569797222/icm_150x150.569797222_bhm2ovu5rls0scwwokks.jpg?version...  They asked for my email address.  Then the account was gone.  Now I have an email in my Spam folder that wants me to follow a link.  I'm thinking that's a big no from me!

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Re: New form of spam

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I once emailed one of them and clicked through and followed their process. In the end, they're asking for your credit card information. Total scam 

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Re: New form of spam

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I just got back on Etsy, and received one of these messages! Good that there’s posts about it here, so I know not to send my email! 

But it was also a bit funny. I know you shouldn’t answer spam, but I did anyway, I just wrote Yo, this is spam right, stop :((((

And then the person just answered me with a sad emoji, like  :(((

Haha I’m pretty sure it’s still spam, because the message was exactly the same as mentioned previously in this thread. But I appreciate that they answered I guess?? 

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Inspiration Seeker

Re: New form of spam

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I've replied as well with an email but the email is youreascammer@getalife.com

*giggles* but hey.... maybe they'll catch on. I know they're fishing for those who think it's real tho. 

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Re: New form of spam

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I've been continually harassed by this new tactic for about 2 months.  I get notices stating my account has been closed, due to illegal acts, and I believe my account has been hacked, as I do not get timely shipping notifications & customers have problems getting shipments even tho' I purchase directly from Etsy Shipping and always include full shipping #'s, info to my customers.   Etsy needs to get phone service back and quicker response, as this creates such frustration and takes much time to resolve.   Am I too old to deal with this constant distraction?  Maybe, as it is exhausting!

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Re: New form of spam

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Scam, but technically spam as well

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Inspiration Seeker

Re: New form of spam

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I have the same problem, I want Etsy to fix this otherwise it's for me useless to stay here.

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Inspiration Seeker

Re: New form of spam

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And here we are now in November, I'm new to Etsy, a couple days now and with nearly every product I upload it's followed by a message with this exact wording. Luckily I am not naive and am pretty full on with scams of all sorts. I'm suspicious of EVERYthing which also worries me... what if I get a legit message from someone? I'm afraid I'll think that's a scam too. LOL.

But yes, it is STILL happening.... I've gotten 6 in the last 2 days already. Two just in this last hour of uploading new products to my shop. Terrible waste of lives these scammers have. Sad.

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Re: New form of spam

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I'd be more likely to believe the message if instead of being signed "Thank You," it was signed "Huzzah!"

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Inspiration Seeker

Re: New form of spam

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I just opened my shop and yesterday i posted my first items for sale. i received allot spam messages but now i just received this message from someone named David: "Hellо, I'm attempting to make a purсhase, could you assist me?" and this is his account: https://www.etsy.com/people/16esjy22awj7i0y4. i dont now where to post this, i am sorry if its in the wrong place. thanks

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Re: New form of spam

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That is a scam attempt. Mark it as spam which you need to do in a browser, not the app. Unfortunately, new sellers are getting many scam messages.

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