I am getting always double cha ching for 1 order
and isn't it a horrible sound? times two. I turned off the sound on the new app and I get the nice cha ching from the old app. Don't know what I'll do when the old app is no longer.
Yes! And it's cumulative. So, if you get one order, it cha-chings twice, but if you get 50 orders, it's cha-chings 100 times in a row. I absolutely hate this app and am about to uninstall it and forget it. WTH were they thinking this would do? Excite us?
I get notifications for only messages and sales. Now, each sale shows two E's at the top and I think there is a message but it's not. It's a sale and an Etsy app notification. This is the worst of the worst.
I have the old cha ching sound too.
200 orders..400 cha chings
A dream number
And this message everywhere...get the new app....get the new app.
But I have the new app and if I click on the order I can't see the listing.
And I miss the activity dashboard like the older app.
Numbers e everywhere. I don't need them:-)
Yesterday,i had 1 cha ching for each order.
Today......twice again.
I hate this new app too, hard to find things, never takes you to the sale if it's a digital one, double cha chings for everything, even got a cha ching for a review, for goodness sake. I I could I'd delete it and download the old app again but sadly it's not now available to download. Typical Etsy, releases crap updates without proper testing. Sigh.
Don't know what kind of phone you have but, its in apple apps to download.
You can go into the app's notification settings and turn off whatever you don't want to hear. You don't even have to get a cha-ching for a sale if you don't want to.
I don’t care for new app but double cha ching is great.
If I got 100 cha things, I wouldn't be complaining, I would be dancing.
I don't like the double cha-ching because it makes me think I have two orders and it's only one. I also get a weird blank notification E popping up.
It's not been done properly, has it?
I just turned on notification alerts on the new app a few days ago. Until then I was only getting them for the old app. I got a double cha-ching the other day but I just assumed it was both apps cha-chinging at the same time.