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Message response rate includes spam

I have been. Star seller for sometime now and see that my message response rate is at 80% because I did not respond to a shop that offered me a coupon/spam. Is there a way to have this corrected? I was not aware I would have to reply to EVERY message to get star seller status including spam. 

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Community Maker

Re: Message response rate includes spam

If it's spam then you should mark as such.

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Community Maker

Re: Message response rate includes spam

If it is spam, and you click the spam button, that removes it from your count.  All messages need either a response, or sent to spam. 

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Re: Message response rate includes spam


Mark as spam as said above. It's helpful to try to remember that the system is just computer programming and not able to read and make a decision if something is spam or not. It doesn't know something is spam unless you tell it that it's spam. Etsy provides tools to tell the system something is spam. You have to mark as spam so it knows it's spam. If you don't mark as spam then it just sees a missed message and calculates accordingly. 

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Conversation Maker

Re: Message response rate includes spam


To answer your question, no, there is no way to get it corrected. Etsy won't do that.
It was your error and you just have to live with it for 3 months:(  I will add that, in two shops, I have never noticed any increase or decrease in sales depending upon my star seller status.

Also ... I find that taking just five or ten minutes to read the forum every day is a huge help to see what is going on and what I might have missed.

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Re: Message response rate includes spam

New messages not replied to need to be spammed.

The information about this is in the star seller information in the shop manager. 

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Re: Message response rate includes spam

And posted as a question in the forums at least 5-6 times a day. 
You got a message and didn’t respond or mark as spam. Since you didn’t respond it counts against you. 

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Re: Message response rate includes spam


Go back and mark it as SPAM now. Lots of the time that DOES change things for the good for Star Seller.. it might take 2-3 days to hit your acct but it should bring your percentage up. Not sure if they will retroactively change your acct to getting the star tho. It has worked for me in the past to do that as when this first started I missed a SPAM one and corrected itself when I went back and marked it as SPAM weeks later. 

It is worth a try.. the ones who say it doesn't work that way-- might never of had the experience themselves and just don't know for sure.

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