Hi there
i didn’t receive my top sellers badge but to not replying within 24 hours to a message.
The message was spam. It was from[This content has been removed by Moderation. We ask that you please review Section 1, Item 1 of our Community Policies prior to posting.]. There was no where for me to mark it as spam.
Can this please be looked at?
I appreciate your time.
Thank you
Unfortunately, you can’t mark a message as spam through the Etsy Seller App. You need to use a browser.
You should log into etsy via a computer (or use the mobile web browser if all you have is a phone / tablet) at least once a day because the etsy seller app is not fully functional. The ability to mark a message as "spam" is not available in the app unfortunately.
@Partyfromazau: "Can this please be looked at?" In case you do not know, even if Etsy Support or the Help Pages sent you here this is a seller peer to peer forum, and should not be considered a way to contact Etsy, if that is your hope (although Etsy does sometimes read and reply to posts).