Marking orders Completed

When we used to mark orders as completed we had to enter a tracking number before clicking on Complete.

It appears Etsy made some changes that automatically enters the tracking numbers,

So now "sometimes" the Complete button lets you click on it and other times its greyed out.

When it's greyed out I enter the tracking number and it says "that that tracking number has already been used for this order", yet the Complete button is still greyed out. So then to complete the order I have to refresh the page.

Can the Etsy programmers fix that so instead of showing an error, just put the focus on the Complete button instead?


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2 Replies

Re: Marking orders Completed

@DeezTreasures: Are you experiencing this using an Etsy app (on which operating system) or via mobile browser or desktop browser (which browser and operating system)? It makes a difference as to possible causes and potential solutions, otherwise we have to guess.  And are you referring to purchasing shipping labels through Etsy?

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Re: Marking orders Completed

Sorry, I just noticed your reply.

I'm using a PC with WIN10 and Chrome.

Since Etsy is now fetching the tracking numbers, when a seller clicks on COMPLETE ORDER the focus on the next screen should be set to the COMPLETE ORDER button.

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