I lost Star Seller Status this month. No reason for me to have a 94% shipping when I shipped all on time, if not early and processed my local pick ups with no tracking available as I have always done. I have had star seller status for 6 months straight. How can I get this fixed?
If you have orders with no tracking, that's why -- star seller demands that 95% of orders (no matter the size, or delivery method) have tracking. Your percentage of those must have been less than 5% for the other months.
"processed my local pick ups with no tracking available as I have always done."
Did you have more local pick-ups than in the months before...?
Will local pickup orders be part of my evaluation for a Star Seller badge?
All physical listing orders must include a valid tracking number or a shipping label purchased on Etsy to be considered for a Star Seller badge. At this time, we’re unable to make exceptions for local pickup orders.
There's many forum threads on Star Seller that you may want to read. You can also look at the Q&A located in your Shop Manager dashboard > Star Seller.
Here's what an Etsy Community Specialist has posted in several threads regarding Star Seller:
"We suggest using the Forums' Search function prior to posting (just be careful to not bump an old thread that hasn't seen any activity in the last months/years), as questions regarding the Star Seller Program have been extensively covered by our fellow members since its launch, as well as our official Star Seller Guide, which contains in-depth answers to some of the more common questions regarding Message Response Rate, Shipping, Local Pick-Up, Digital Orders, and other topics. You can check it out here: etsy.com/starseller. "