Inspiration Seeker

Locked out of account after changing bank

Hello Etsy Community 

I'm writing out of frustration because I've been shut out of my shop and my shop is showing closed. I'm writing from my 2nd Etsy shop which is still open. I did change my bank account a few days earlier and then received an email that Etsy security was disconnecting the bank and I should sign in and add a new bank. I couldn't sign in due to my account being restricted. I've been a Seller since 2015, I'm a Star Seller, I have over 20,000 sales and I love my Etsy shop. It's more than an income avenue to me, creating the art for others really makes me happy. So you can imagine how upset I am that my shop is closed for no real reason. I've contacted Etsy support via email, chat, and phone and each time I was told a "specialist" has to assist me. I'm willing to wait, but every day my shop is closed I get worried it may never be resolved. Does anyone have any advice how this can be resolved in a timely manner? Or anything else I can do to help get my shop re-opened?  Also, I changed the email on account a few years ago and for some reason whenever I send Etsy support an email regarding the closed account, they reply to my old email.  My closed shop is

Thanks in advance.  

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17 Replies

Re: Locked out of account after changing bank

I had a similar incident three or four years ago. My store wasn't closed, but my funds were frozen. I could still make orders and ship, while Etsy collected money and just sat on it.  I finally went online to find an actual number I could call, fought tooth and nail, got really nasty until they finally said something about it being an error on their part. 6 weeks without a payout!!!! That was the first time I really started hating Etsy. My advice would be to just kick up a huge fuss. Don't take no, sorry, someone else... for an answer from any of them. You just have to be the person you don't like to be. Feet planted firmly, not budging, not hanging up, not waiting another day until they finally connect you to the person who can unlock your account.

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Re: Locked out of account after changing bank



The problem nowadays if you do this is with chat they will just disconnect you (hang up on you) and with CS they will just not reply, leaving you literally in limbo.

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Re: Locked out of account after changing bank

And any phone number you find on Google is most likely a spam account. Go through chat, open tickets, but put up a fuss. Every time they say it's been resolved, reply with "I still need help".

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Re: Locked out of account after changing bank

It wasn't spam. They fixed my issue. After digging into Etsy a little more, I found that number buried in there somewhere. 

Now, I think they have the CS phone number more visible.

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Re: Locked out of account after changing bank


That was 3 or 4 years ago. Things have changed since then. The CS "phone number" is actually a callback now. You enter your phone # on Etsy and they call you.

Etsy also used to post their email addresses and now they don't. Everything goes through the Contact Etsy maze.

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Re: Locked out of account after changing bank

.@VintageRescueSquad do you know if it actually helps to open multiple tickets?  I'm not getting any responses to my one open support ticket since my identity was verified on Thursday, and it's driving me batty that my account is still on forced vacation mode and I don't know what's going on since they don't respond.

I'm worried that opening more tickets will hurt my place in line. 

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Re: Locked out of account after changing bank

Etsy support is very, very slow to respond. Some sellers report waiting weeks. So sorry this happened to you. Definitely do not use a phone number you find online as it is likely a scam number these days.

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Re: Locked out of account after changing bank

Inspiration Seeker

Re: Locked out of account after changing bank

Thank you all for your responses. 

I've had 8 emails from Etsy support and none of them have been able to reinstate my account. One actually said we have removed the restrictions on your account, but it's still there. I went to the chat and was basically told the same thing that they will escalate the issue. Seriously it should not be this difficult to get help from Etsy. Sellers are the most important customers for Etsy without us they have nothing. Customer Service is the most important aspect of a business, yet I have to deal with 8 emails asking me all kinds of questions to get my account back. A shop that I worked hard to be successful. Hours and hours of creating and listing. It's very frustrating, I just want my shop back at this point. I changed my bank and this is what happens to a star seller who has been on Etsy since 2016. 

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Re: Locked out of account after changing bank


f you have not yet posted in this thread, you may want to do so: What's not working on Etsy for us as sellers (and for buyers as well)?

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Conversation Maker

Re: Locked out of account after changing bank

@FranceesShop  I'm sorry you're going around in circles.  And you're right, it shouldn't be this difficult to get help. If you wish, I wonder if it wouldn't be a good idea to "at" Admin thatregina in this Thread. Help is way overdue, and I hope you receive it soon. 

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Re: Locked out of account after changing bank

The same things happened to me a couple of months ago. Despite my shop being open for 12 years with the same back account, I got the red banner telling me to update my bank information within 30 days or my shop would be closed. I updated with the same information and my shop was immediately suspended. I was suspended for 5 days. There was no explanation why. I lost all of my Etsy picks for weeks and I'm still recovering. They never have an explanation why. AI is really messing things up. I've had items removed for IP infringement that were put back up after their 10 day investigation. The items were either vintage and past copyright or items I designed myself that are similar to others or items I've designed that have been copied by sellers in other countries, 1 in particular, and sold on Etsy. I've lost confidence in Etsy as a marketplace. Every day I wonder what bomb will be dropped next. 

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Inspiration Seeker

Re: Locked out of account after changing bank

Update. My account was finally unrestricted, however, my shop is not there. Basically, all of my listings, my reviews, my sales are no longer attached to the account. I just have a buyer account. So I'll reply to another email, I'm up to 12 now and each time it's a different Security Team member. 

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Re: Locked out of account after changing bank

Sympathy bump for you.  I'm dealing with my account being suspended.  Hopefully you will get some resolution soon.  

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Inspiration Seeker

Re: Locked out of account after changing bank

Update. My shop was finally reinstated with my previous history. What I've learned from this experience is to be sure to not make any changes to you shop like the bank, or email unless it's absolutely necessary. Once the bots suspect fraud or hacking, they do not let go. It took me 15 emails back and forth with Etsy support. I sent screenshots and emails with proof of my email change 4 years ago and my bank account which was a trust account with my name but apparently not ok with Etsy. But in the end, I'm back and so happy. Also, I love Etsy but their customer service needs help. There has to be a better way to resolve these issues with 1 phone call and not 15 emails 6 days later. If there was a person on the phone who had the ability to reinstate my account while I communicated to them what I had to do in 15 emails, it would be solved in a matter of minutes. And, it's a wake-up call. I had previously a year ago created a website outside of Etsy with all of my listings but I never needed it, so it gave me some peace of mind that if I wasn't able to get my shop back, I could activate my website with my products. Yes, I'd have to do my own advertising and optimize it to Google, but I at least had the option. Thank you again to all of you who wished me luck and if this happens to you, stay vigilant, persistent, and patient.

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Re: Locked out of account after changing bank

I'm glad you got some resolution!  Your post is giving me hope that mine will come back up on Monday.  It is distressing indeed to be so unhappy with their customer service. 

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Re: Locked out of account after changing bank

.@FranceesShop did you create multiple support tickets, or did you just keep posting to one open ticket?  

I still haven't heard any word back from support after I got an automatic response that my identity was verified.  I've been posting more comments to my support ticket with no response.  I'm not sure if it would be better to create a new ticket or just wait.  Word in the forums is that every time you create a new ticket they close your oldest one, putting you back at the end of the line, but I don't know if that's true or not. Any opinion? 

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