I just tried to search for a specific shop to purchase from.

In the past, when using the search bar, a customer would receive a list of auto completed prompts based off similar terms to the characters keyed into the search bar, followed by a prompt at the bottom of the list which said something like "search for shops with (search term) in their shop name."

It has been like this for years, since before I had a shop on Etsy.  Using the "search for shop name" has been one of the main ways I purchase things on Etsy, as the search through my purchases is cumbersome and unusable, since we cannot search for terms within our purchases and must go item by item by very short pages of purchases.

Today, I tried to search for a shop name.  Unfortunately,  for me, that option is no longer there.  The only option is to search terms.  Typing in the entire shop name does not bring up the shop, unless the item is tagged with the shop name.

I tried this on 2 different browsers, plus mobile.

Is anyone else experiencing an inability to search for a shop name using the Etsy search bar?  Or am I in a test?

Re: Issue searching for specific shop. Is anyone else experiencing this?

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They got rid of the drop-down (seller search) menu in the search button!  WHY!?!  Now you have to take more steps to find shops.

Etsy, you are NOT making things easier here.  More steps, more typing.  NOT user friendly.

I get so sick of these changes.

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