On a Google Chrome, where I am not signed in, I did a search. I cannot go past 20 pages. I tried to search for something else...also could not go past 20 pages.
I did a search for threads on this and could not find any.
Is this happening to anyone else?
Regardless of whether people search past page 20 or not, we pay a listing fee to (eventually) have our products shown. With this change or glitch, many of our items are not being shown.
@nineteen27 "you are better off searching on google for an item on etsy.". Nailed it-and what does being found on google get you? An extra 12-15% on TOP of Etsy fees for an "offsite ad" sale. It's almost like Etsy is trying to drive people to search THROUGH google ads.....
DING DING DING we have a winner
@QuirkyAntiquesStore I think you're right. I've gotten 2 OA this week. I almost never get them. Maybe one every 3 months, if that.
@OneEyeCatStudio @HouseofWhisperingFir
I generally do use filters when I am looking for something. But I don't go looking for my own things.. ( because the Beta thing that was on our dashboards-- that is now gone as of today.. told me what position and page my items were on if I wanted to look) But that said I didn't look all that much anyways.
and I guess that there is nothing I want bad enough on this site to wander thru 20 pages of anything.. most all of my fave sellers have their own web sites these days anyways. Search here is not helpful to me at all.
I mean.... I'm a big fan of browsing, but I've rarely made it past page 20. Sometimes I will just choose a broad query like 'paper ephemera' and then wander through, but I think page 16 is the furthest I've ever gone before I'm exhausted. Mostly from having to X away that gosh-almighty 'BuY THIS nOW!!' slider that crops up on every new page. [eye roll]
So I don't think people need to worry about not being seen, especially as search changes depending on who sees it, and will change for individual shoppers as they click through, informing Etsy's AI of what 'their thing' is today. I don't spend any time worrying about where I'm seen, I just optimise my listings for the best chance of being clicked on when I am, and hope that the right people see me at the right time. It's in Etsy's interests to at least get that right, so I have to trust them LOL - 'trust' here having the unique meaning of 'I don't have the energy to query it'.
@Jewels2at Have you tried conducting your search via a different browser ... can you get past 20 pages? Seems Chrome is now the defunct browser to use anymore with Etsy!
yes, same on Google Chrome, Firefox, and Edge.
there was another post about this just over a week ago
I can't get past the 20 pages. I can put a number in the bar and it does not change it to that page. So customers like me only see the first 20 pages. I'm using Chrome. Been like that for at least the last 2 weeks for me.
Ughh wondered why everything fell off a cliff nearly two weeks ago.
I've got over 40 pages in my shop a large proportion of my customers are repeat customers and like to look through all my inventory....now they won't even be able to browse through my whole shop now.
I browse heavily through searches if I'm trying to create a look or style, twenty pages isn't even a surface scratch lol.
Why am I still paying full listing price if views are going to be restricted for customers?
I'm not seeing the merit of attempting to grow my business on Etsy any further at the moment, which makes me feel kind of sad as I used to love it here, but if folks cant even look through my entire shop Im mot sure theres any point.
@KCAVintageGems your shop pages aren't being limited, it's only search results.
They can look through all your shops inventory. that is not limited
It's the general search, which used to show hundreds of pages of everyones stuff.
If etsy thought showing hundreds of pages of items, would get more sales, they would show them,
they have probably found people give up after a while on the general search, and once they get past 20 pages, if they ever do, they don't buy anyway.
The weird thing I've seen in shop searches is you look for a category, like cats, and there seems to be a finite number of pages. So you scroll through pages of cats to something like page 6, and then a page 7 appears, and then a page 8. So it doesn't seem to be telling me how many pages there are until I start to run out of them.
But that could be a test. It's annoying since you think you know how many you need to look through and it keeps changing.
@MouseGarden: The pagination issue is an easy one to explain. Search (in theory) returns a maximum of 250 pages. Not having to actually retrieve 250 pages of data if you are not going to need them saves on server resources (and therefore money). Since they are not actually retrieving all of the possible listings until and if needed Etsy does not know how many possible pages there are.