On a Google Chrome, where I am not signed in, I did a search. I cannot go past 20 pages. I tried to search for something else...also could not go past 20 pages.
I did a search for threads on this and could not find any.
Is this happening to anyone else?
Now, no one will ever find me on page 3,798,422.
Oh wow! Same here on Chrome! Its a greyed out arrow after page 20.
Wonder why they did not announce they were doing this. Think I will send them an email.
the only way to go past 20 now is...
go up to the url...
take out the pagination number.
and change it to page 99.
or any number you want.
it has been this way for awhile.
i love etsy.
@nineteen27 oh my. I bet this is really pi$$ing off our customers!
only the ones who can find you... lol
@nineteen27 that did not work. I took out the 20 and replaced with 99...
it works for me.
just look at the last item for page 20.
then change to 21.
and the items are different.
@nineteen27 do you have to do it for every page?
It's been that way for a while. I think it started in March or early April.
@nineteen27 It is not working...still shows same items and page 20. When you do page 21 does the page number at the bottom change to 21?
it stays at 20.
i just checked again.
page 99 is completely different.
than page 20.
etsy probably realized...
that most buyers.
do not even go past page 9 anyway.
plus search is useless.
you are better off searching on google for an item on etsy.
@nineteen27 today changing the last two digits on the URL from 20 to 21 is working!
Just when you think Etsy has run out of tricks to kill sales on the site ..................
It's hard to believe they (Etsy) actually pay people (questionable ?) to come up with and apply these inane ideas..............
Who even goes to page 20?? I think studies show that people don't generally go past page 3 at the most. I know I don't. I don't have time to sit and wander thru 20 pages to look for anything. I Might make it to Page 3, maybe before I give up.
@TheHomespunLoft Well, I have certainly gone to page 20 and beyond - LOOKING FOR MY LISTINGS! Just saying..........LOL
@TheHomespunLoft I have gone past page 3 because it usually a bunch of listings that are ads and some are not even what I typed in search. For example, a while back, I looking for a peanut card for a shower and 2 of the top listings were ads for clothing. So I tend to go through a few pages before deciding to purchase or move on. However, I usually go to around page 5 or 6.
Cute shop items by the way.
Since the Etsy search makes it difficult to find what you are looking for, I sometimes search by price, lowest or highest first. This seems to cut out some of the completely irrelevant listings.
And I almost always go past page 20 in that search.
@TheHomespunLoft They have to be...as I am never ever on the first 3 pages. I periodically get favorites...
Nope, I've gone through a whole shop's worth of patterns (or other stuff)--- and some have thousands of items.
Of course, I've only done this during a break or something like that, when I have the extra time.
When I feel like browsing, I BROWSE...
I am a collector, and I think my record was something like 239 pages.
I was in a shop doing some window shopping and faving a few things for later, I couldn't get past page 10 and they had 3000 items listed. Is this a glitch? That sucks if etsy isn't letting buyers look at all the pages whether in a shop or using search.