Hi. Every time I click on 1 of my items it doesn't show up & says page not redirecting.
I'm worried.
Thank you all for your reports, folks. We've relayed them to our team and they are investigating now. We'll update in this thread with more information as soon as possible.
It just started working for me a couple minutes ago. Thank you.
Same in my shop
I am having the same problems. I was shown a jigsaw puzzle to solve and then the "too many redirects" message. I am unable to view any individual items in my shop.
Hi I am having the same problem.
Oh gosh, I'm glad I wasn't the only one. Thought I have done something wrong with my computer.
We're having the same problem!
Ich habe das gleiche Problem...
Same. Getting error messages when I attempt to click on individual items in my shop - can't edit individual listings. Keep getting kicked out of my shop page and having to go back in, only to have same issue.
Yes I am getting the same error message. I hope it gets fixed soon.
I am having the same issue.
Same error.
Oh okay...it's not just me lol.
Problem here too!
Yeah, something is going on, but Etsy appears to have identified it and is working on a fix.
I know because I occasionally get an (extremely vague) email when there are site problems. It rarely says what is going on, just that there's an "issue." I got the 1st email about this at 8:32am my time, about 16 minutes ago.
Seems to be fixed! Yay. Thank you
Hello again, folks,
The problem has now been resolved. Our continued thanks for your reports. I'll close this up now, with my best wishes!
My Shop Manager is having major glitches. Links within the site aren’t working. I can’t access certain tabs. When I click on Dashboard it takes me to Etsy.com. Everything is very glitchy and I’ve tried clearing history/cookies, etc. that hasn’t helped. When I try to contact support it’s showing an old email address we haven’t used in a year. Anyone?? Suggestions?
It appears there are some major glitches happening right now and no resolutions from Etsy currently.