Hello my fellow selling peeps! Is anyone else having trouble accessing their cart on Etsy? I get this message on my phone and my computer:
I just made a purchase with no problems. Using my iMac and Safari.
I'm having problems adding sub-categories to my listings. I'm getting this message: "There was a problem saving your changes. Contact Etsy Support."
So I did.
same! Hope they sort it quickly. Mondays are busy for me.
I currently cannot publish a listing nor can I save it as a draft.
I'm having problems editing listings. if i can get into a listing (which is rare) any changes can't be saved.
That's the same problem I'm having. I guess I'll just leave it for awhile and hope that it gets fixed soon. Thanks for responding.
i can't publish anything today ..when i create listing and try to publish it says "There was a problem saving your changes . contact etsy support "
Obviously something glitchy is going on. I contacted support so I guess by now they're getting inundated with complaints.
I am currently experiencing the same issues.
I tried to save a listing as a draft a minute ago, received that message, cursed a bit then added a tag and an attribute quickly and tried again and then it saved OK.
In fact, just checked in drafts and it saved it twice
I contacted support and they said that Etsy "Technicians" are trying to fix the issues today because we are not the only ones. Let's see how long it takes. LOL
Mine just started working- but now I have about 5 different copies of the same listing.....
I cannot create new shipping profile or edit listings.
Yes, some messages have disappeared. And others not updating as I reply?
Android Apps and Google Chrome. All my access points!?
I have listed multiple items this morning, changed shipping profiles, changed/edited photos - all with no issues, and no uh oh's !
Having no luck uploading photos - this has been hit & miss for days now......keep getting - hmmmm - having problems uploading .......... tried all the tricks I can think of - no luck !!
Yes can’t edit or save any changes to listings. Was fine until about 5h ago as was working on listings…
I just tried editing a listing again and it worked. I was able to add my sub-category. Seems like my problem is fixed anyway.
Today, on October around 11 am 1, I got that message as well.
I'm glad my problem was fixed by itself because I heard from Etsy's support team and they apologized that I was having trouble opening my shop and proceeded to tell me how to open a shop on Etsy, how to get paid, etc. etc. I've had my Etsy shop since 2013! I had clearly explained the problem and sent a screenshot, so it was like they hadn't even read my email.