Incorrect Star Seller Info

I ship every single order with tracked shipping through USPS. When I check my past orders on my end, I can see that each one has tracked (and delivered) shipping. Yet in terms of star seller eligibility, its saying that two order's don't have tracked shipping, which makes no sense. I can go and check and they both say delivered, the buyers even left a review.

This has been as issue before and I find that Etsy will respond only to say that star seller wont affect my sales. Incorrect, being a star seller does boost my sales and makes buyers feel more safe purchasing.

What is Etsys solution for this technical issue? "Wait three months." It's not a solution. IT needs to go back, look at the tracking info and correct it. I worked hard for my Star Seller badge. They say its a "technical glitch" and that they'll investigate (which means, do nothing).

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Re: Incorrect Star Seller Info

Delivery dates are not what the SS stats are based on.  The shipping date confirmed with USPS scan is the criteria.

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Re: Incorrect Star Seller Info

They were delivered and confirmed, I just said that.

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Re: Incorrect Star Seller Info

Download the shipping CSV file. The orders that counted against star seller are the ones you need to look at.

Shipping tracked and no later than the shipping date verified by being scanned no later than the ship by date are what counts for the star seller badge.



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Re: Incorrect Star Seller Info

I know that and I did that, please re-read the post.

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Re: Incorrect Star Seller Info

For those confused, ALL my orders are tracked and say DELIVERED. There is not a single order "untracked" or "undelivered" for this past review period (JAN-MAR 1st). Like I stated in the post, my buyers have even left reviews for orders and Etsy STILL claimed there was no tracking info. I'm looking at the tracking info right now.

And yes, I DOWNLOADED the CSV file, and guess what? Orders are tracked and delivered show up as "no tracking info" on the CSV file. I can even click the USPS tracking number to see it leaving, going across country distribution centers, and then arriving. DELIVERED, it says.

Etsy's solution??? Make this discussion post in the forum rather than have someone on their team investigate.

So yes, I am frustrated. Please read the full post before commenting what I've already confirmed.

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