I earned Star seller badge but it closed


I earned Star seller badge for the las period (100% response rate and 5.0 average rating) but Star seller beige is closed for my store.

Is this a kind of technical mistake?

Thank you in advance for your assistance!


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8 Replies

Re: I earned Star seller badge but it closed


What does it say on your star seller page in shop manager? None of us can see that info so only you can figure out why. The info should be there to see and/or download the csv. Be sure to click on 'Last review period' .

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Re: I earned Star seller badge but it closed

It can take 2-3 days for the badge to appear for some shops.  That is normal.  Etsy says up to 48 hours, but I think there have been cases of it taking a day or two longer than that.

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Re: I earned Star seller badge but it closed

Did you meet the minimum $300 of sales?

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Re: I earned Star seller badge but it closed

And what about on-time shipping and tracking.  You don't give that figure.

ETA:  Whoops, doesn't apply to digital downloads.

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Re: I earned Star seller badge but it closed


Shops have to meet the sales # and $ minimums to even be eligible to receive the star or individual badges. They have a badge so they had to have met the minimums. 

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Re: I earned Star seller badge but it closed

The OP has the badge for reviews so it can't be the $ minimum applies to the individual badges, if indeed that is the case with her shop.

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Re: I earned Star seller badge but it closed

I think we may be saying the same thing just differently maybe?

Yes they have a badge so that means they met the first 2 requirements of  # of Sales  and $ minimum.  You have to meet those 2 requirements first to even be eligible for any of the badges or star. They got 1 of the 3 available badges so that means they met the #of sale and $ requirements but didn't meet the message response rating and shipping rating. 

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Re: I earned Star seller badge but it closed

You have the reviews badge, so it doesn't appear like you don't have the option to have the SS (some people have them permanently removed after having IP violations).

Since everything in your shop is digital downloads you don't have to worry about shipping & tracking. That makes me assume you didn't respond to a message in time. Are you sure you're looking at the past period, and not the future? 

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