I am stuck in the OLD listsing version/don't see the option to switch back to the new ...

I have been creating and publishing my new listings in the new version and switching to the Old version to click on the Pattern Sales Channel so my listings will show up on my website.  As of today, all I can see is the OLD version.  The option to switch back and forth is no longer there.  How do I get back to the new version?  I have reached out to support - chatted with someone that said they were going to "elevate it to Technical department" - and have heard nothing.  Anyone else having this issue?  Anyone know how I can get back to the new version?  Help!!

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Re: I am stuck in the OLD listsing version/don't see the option to switch back to the new ...

My issue is just the opposite. I WANT the old version, but everytime I start a new listing, even the same day, they change it to the new version and I have to switch it back.

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Re: I am stuck in the OLD listsing version/don't see the option to switch back to the new ...

I see an option on the top right to switch between the two.  I like the old one better.  No bugs.

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Re: I am stuck in the OLD listsing version/don't see the option to switch back to the new ...


Me, too.

There was nothing wrong with it.

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Re: I am stuck in the OLD listsing version/don't see the option to switch back to the new ...

I did until today.  As of today the blue button to switch between the two is gone.  I am in the old version and would like to switch back but no option to do so.  Support has been no help.


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Re: I am stuck in the OLD listsing version/don't see the option to switch back to the new ...

Yeah, I can't imagine anyone wanting to use that "new and improved" listing version.

That thing is about as user friendly as a hungry grizzly bear.

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Re: I am stuck in the OLD listsing version/don't see the option to switch back to the new ...

I like the "old" version he best !!! Hope Etsy always offers both versions,.., the "old" one is the BEST  !!!

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Re: I am stuck in the OLD listsing version/don't see the option to switch back to the new ...

@HazelsSewingSupplies @QuailCreekCreations    I do.  Hand waving yes.  I hate the old version.  I prefer the new template and I want the old one to disappear into the sunset.  Or at least leave me on the new version which is my preference. 

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Re: I am stuck in the OLD listsing version/don't see the option to switch back to the new ...

Maybe they are finally working on the new form and that's why it's not available.  I would wait a few hours or a day and see if it reverts back to the new form.

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Re: I am stuck in the OLD listsing version/don't see the option to switch back to the new ...

New is available/  Ijust recently used it.

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Re: I am stuck in the OLD listsing version/don't see the option to switch back to the new ...

I sure hope so.  It would be amazing if they would put the Pattern Sales Channel option on the new form so I wouldn't have to flip back and forth.  I started my shop with the new version, so I really like it better than the old - but as of now stuck in the old.

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Re: I am stuck in the OLD listsing version/don't see the option to switch back to the new ...

Mine switches back and forth as it wants too... (on its own) very difficult constantly adjusting. 

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Re: I am stuck in the OLD listsing version/don't see the option to switch back to the new ...

@CraftinintheGrove   Etsy has the tendency to flip to the old which I don't like any long.  There should be a blue banner at the top that you can flip to the new.  I hate having to flip from the old to the new.  Wish Etsy would leave me on the new.

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Re: I am stuck in the OLD listsing version/don't see the option to switch back to the new ...

There was a blue banner to flip between the two until today - as of today that banner is gone and I am stuck in the old version with no way to get back to the new.  Someone above said maybe they are working on the new version and it will show back up.  I hope so.

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Re: I am stuck in the OLD listsing version/don't see the option to switch back to the new ...


I would really, really, really hope that means they have abandoned the new version.

But I have never seen Etsy admit to making a mistake, so ............... maybe just a bug?

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Re: I am stuck in the OLD listsing version/don't see the option to switch back to the new ...

I've seen a lot of people say that they can no longer see the old version now, where I am the exact opposite.  I am stuck in it.  I don't think that they are doing away with the new - but they apparently did away with the blue banner that gives the option to flip back and forth.  I hope it comes back. 

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Re: I am stuck in the OLD listsing version/don't see the option to switch back to the new ...

Wish I could get stuck in the old version. I know when I close out the shop and open it again, I'm in the new version and have to switch back to the old. It will stay in the old until I shut down again..

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Re: I am stuck in the OLD listsing version/don't see the option to switch back to the new ...

That was the same for me until today.  Now I have no option to switch back to the new.

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Re: I am stuck in the OLD listsing version/don't see the option to switch back to the new ...

I see "switch to new version" top right on the old listing page, not that I use or like the new version.

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Re: I am stuck in the OLD listsing version/don't see the option to switch back to the new ...

I used to see the option to switch at the top right of the screen too, but not any more.  That option is gone for me as of today.

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Re: I am stuck in the OLD listsing version/don't see the option to switch back to the new ...

Have you tried via a different browser? Sometimes Etsy glitches are browser dependent. @CraftinintheGrove 

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Re: I am stuck in the OLD listsing version/don't see the option to switch back to the new ...

I did.  I tried Google Chrome - which is the only other browser I use - and it didn't give me the banner at the top to flip back to the new version either.  I also cleared my cache in both browsers thinking maybe that would help - it didn't.  

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Re: I am stuck in the OLD listsing version/don't see the option to switch back to the new ...

I switch to the old version every day before I even start listing... hope they don't take it away!

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Re: I am stuck in the OLD listsing version/don't see the option to switch back to the new ...

@CloesCloset Me too. I think the forums would melt down if they took away the old version...

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