How to reactivate listing deactivated by Etsy, once corrected?


Etsy deactivated several listings from my shop.

It seems to be about selling endangered plants internationaly (although all plants are produced in France from plants grown in France, it helps to reduce the pressure on plants in the wild, but anyway).

So I corrected the listing by selling only in my country (which is fine legally for CITES).

Now, how can I reactivate these listings? I do not see the option.


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Re: How to reactivate listing deactivated by Etsy, once corrected?

you cannot relist without permission of the etsy people.

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Re: How to reactivate listing deactivated by Etsy, once corrected?

Before relisting anything, you need to seek clarification from Etsy on why the listings were pulled.

If you just keep listing the same items, you risk them being pulled again, which causes strikes, and can trigger 90 day Payment Reserves, shop limitation and possible permanent shop closure.

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Re: How to reactivate listing deactivated by Etsy, once corrected?

@RareCactiSucculents - From the link PlatypusDream provided:

"Etsy restriction on sales to the United States: Etsy sellers located outside of the United States are restricted from selling the following to buyers located in the United States:

  • Live plants, seeds, cuttings, and bulbs that can be planted
  • Soil with organic substances. This does not include non-organic potting material such as pumice, gravel, and sand.
  • Organic fertilizers and soil conditioners, such as manure, compost, worm castings, worm/compost tea, sphagnum peat, grass clippings, straw, wood chips, and guano.

However, do not relist anything that has been deactivated until the listing(s) are reviewed by Etsy.
You will need to change your shipping profiles so that the USA is not included on any of your listings.
As a FYI I see no listings in your shop. All I see is Etsy's blurb that you have "No items listed at this time". I'm in the US.

Finally, off topic, but do finish setting up your shop - add shop policies. This is very important especially if a shop owner ever needs to use any of Etsy's seller protections:


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Re: How to reactivate listing deactivated by Etsy, once corrected?

If an item is endangered elsewhere it is still endangered and Etsy does not , or has not in the past, allow the items for sale even in one's country.

Uaually a plant endangered is considered endangered everywhere. 

You need to contact Etsy and give them the information that you think it is okay referencing the CITES page.   

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Re: How to reactivate listing deactivated by Etsy, once corrected?


Thank you all for the answers

@PlatypusDream: thanks for telling me about possible shop closure, but if I can not sell these plants, I'll close the shop myself anyway

@JMOldeVintage: I was already selling only to France and Europe, no US because of the live plants restriction. That's probably why you don't see anything.

@ArtDollsbyJD: I could understand Etsy policy in such a situation, a risk mitigation stance. They would prevent more than what's really forbidden, but it is easier to manage.

Conclusion: I must then remove the Europe shipping, keeping only my country, then contact Etsy, somehow, and explain the change and how it is now compatible with international trade laws (especially the CITES).

Have a nice day

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Re: How to reactivate listing deactivated by Etsy, once corrected?

Not trying to hijack this thread, but what if Etsy never lets you know why they de-activated a listing?

After numerous emails and 2 phone calls, Etsy has never let me know why they de-activated 3 of my 6 identical listings for a pillow kit (consisting of 2 pieces of fabric) to be done by candlewicking or embroidery.  I had six listings that were all identical except for the subject of the design - rooster, eagle, circle of heart, etc.  All were listed as being a design stamped on muslin.  There was no misspelling of muslin and besides the 3 candlewicking kits, I also have four or five paint on projects from the same material which were listed as muslin.

I'm guessing the reason I haven't been told why they were de-activated because they are such mundane listings and nobody knows why they were de-activated because there was no reason.  If there was a reason, all six should have been de-activated as listings were identical except for one-two words depending on the subject of the design.

There was no infringement or any names other than candlewicking used in the listings.

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Re: How to reactivate listing deactivated by Etsy, once corrected?

I have deleted the objectionable items from my listing now I want it to be reactivated

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Re: How to reactivate listing deactivated by Etsy, once corrected?

Can somebody reactivate my listing thank you

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Re: How to reactivate listing deactivated by Etsy, once corrected?


The Forum is only other sellers.

We have no ability to reactive listings.

I can see several rule-breaking listings in your shop.  Expect more take downs from Etsy.

You need to learn what is allowed to be sold here:  Vintage (over 20 years old), Handmade (by you, or designed by you) and Supplies to make crafts.

NOT slightly used Ugg boots.

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