How does Made by / From Scratch turn into Handpicked when published?

When published, most of the items in one of my categories "Tiles for Mosaic Making" are shown as "Handpicked". 

Core details say "I made it ....from scratch"  . 100% of my tiles are hand made from cold, wet clay.  I have updated all of my listings with Etsy search visibility suggestions regarding categories and sub-categories.  None of the tiles are curated in my shop. 

I have tried repeatedly to edit, deactivate, re-activate, etc. to change this to no avail.  In order to counter this, I have added to the first line of my Details "Handmade" by House of Whispering Firs which show just under the Handpicked. 

I spent about an hour yesterday on Chat.  My question was never directly addressed, only links to the importance of categories and subs- ending with shipping under $6.00 links (I use calculated shipping). 

Any ideas? PLEASE!

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17 Replies

Re: How does Made by / From Scratch turn into Handpicked when published?

Classic Etsy programming. Just like in search where they ignore what you actually look for and instead show you what they think you meant to search for, or what they'd rather you see. Now they use their brilliant AI to compare to similar products, and since most people are probably sourcing them, then clearly it was mistake on your end to say you made them, obviously you meant to say you sourced them. So, to them they fixed it. 

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Re: How does Made by / From Scratch turn into Handpicked when published?

Sorry, I have no constructive suggestions for how to get it to work correctly nor how to get 'support' to comprehend what you're actually telling them and why it doesn't make sense. 

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Re: How does Made by / From Scratch turn into Handpicked when published?

@audreytherese    Don't be sorry, your input is point on!

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Re: How does Made by / From Scratch turn into Handpicked when published?

@HouseofWhisperingFir: There is probably a 'black box' algorithm that uses some magical combination of core details and categories to decide if a listing is 'made by', 'designed by', etc. It is doubtful that the recipe is shared with support.

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Community Maker

Re: How does Made by / From Scratch turn into Handpicked when published?

In my other shop I couldn't figure out why a few of my handmade items were called handpicked... until I realized I had selected the wrong date period. Instead of 2024, I selected 2000 to 2004 which made them vintage handpicked. Ugh! Blamed it on the new listing format flustration.

Could it be a similar type scenario? Something so obvious but overlooked by mistake?

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Re: How does Made by / From Scratch turn into Handpicked when published?

Thanks, nothing vintage in my shop that could be accidentally dated.  All made currently - and yes I do blame it on the new format!

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Re: How does Made by / From Scratch turn into Handpicked when published?

Yes, I have seen that problem too with items I made 20 years ago.  I feel that the fact that I MADE them is more important than the precise year I made them, so I've changed everything to 2005 or earlier.  My OCD's not happy about that, but I want that handmade credit!!!

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Re: How does Made by / From Scratch turn into Handpicked when published?

Don't waste your time, etsy knows about it. When they first came out with the idea to label our items many months ago a lot of sellers reported the same thing and there was no definitive answer nor any fix applied. It just pops up in some listings for no rhyme or reason.

You could put "Handmade mosaic tiles" in your title, description and tags. Then, in your description you could put something like, "I hand pick the very best tiles out of each batch I create," or something along those lines.

That should cover it. I really don't think potential buyers are going to read much into it anyway.

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Re: How does Made by / From Scratch turn into Handpicked when published?

It really gets confused when you list a vintage piece that you made yourself waaayyyyy back when! I have a few pieces of needlework that I made with my own little hands, but once I put in the vintage decade made, it changed them to handpicked instead of handmade. Oviously they think something can't be both vintage AND handmade....stupid.

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Re: How does Made by / From Scratch turn into Handpicked when published?

I read in another thread earlier today that some sellers with a similar issue were able to fix this by changing the 'What tools are used to make this item', to 'None, I don't use tools', if I recall correctly. The routine that labels listings seems to run overnight, so it could fix it, then revert back to incorrect the next day though. Worth a try on a listing or two, to see if that helps. I'll also see if I can find a link to that thread.

ETA: it's this thread:

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Re: How does Made by / From Scratch turn into Handpicked when published?


Yes, I read that post as well and tried it. No change.  Thanks for looking it up.

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Re: How does Made by / From Scratch turn into Handpicked when published?

@HouseofWhisperingFir   When this craziness was first launched, a few of mine said "sourced by" rather than "made by".  I went back to the listings and made sure that they said "I did" and was very careful about the information I wrote in that area.  I ticked off machines used and such.  I don't quite remember now, but it worked!

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Re: How does Made by / From Scratch turn into Handpicked when published?

Yes, @JustMeToo   I have made sure that all of my listings say "I Did" , current 2020-2024, and Made from Scratch.

There just doesn't seem to be a way to change Etsy's  "Handpicked" designation.  Truth be told, I could live with them saying Designed if I had to, but Handpicked is really WRONG!

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Re: How does Made by / From Scratch turn into Handpicked when published?

@HouseofWhisperingFir   How about if you ticked off the box that says something about using a machine?  Even if you don' t use a machine, it might solve the problem!  I know I had to hit something like that.  I DO use a machine but it might work for you.

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Re: How does Made by / From Scratch turn into Handpicked when published?

I did not check all your tiles, but out of about 10 or so I clicked on, 6 say Made By. Maybe see if you can find what is different about those? Your tiles are wonderful!

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Re: How does Made by / From Scratch turn into Handpicked when published?


That's what is so frustrating about it.  The listings all read the same.  The only thing that differs in the listings are the colors and quantity of tiles.

It's not rocket science, there are only so many boxes to click on!   Bot science?

Thanks for taking the time to take a look.


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Re: How does Made by / From Scratch turn into Handpicked when published?

I initially had the same issue with some up-cycled pieces . I went back to and found choosing the categories below resolved the issue.

 physical item - I made it - made 2024- made from scratch and altered works - tools handled and no tools work 

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