I do a lot of custom work, so I often use the private listing options to send custom listings directly to a customer. However, I usually need to edit the listing once I send it to select the correct shipping profile, since this isn't an option in the quick formation tool... But when I go to edit the listing I can't save my changes due to an error in the "craft type" but I don't see a way to edit this in the new Etsy form. When I use the old form I can edit this category and save it, but they are going to be getting rid of the old form soon so I won't be able to do this work around anymore. Does anyone know how I can fix this??
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Etsy has admitted they're still working on the new form. Consider yourself an unpaid beta tester.
To Etsy: If you can't make the new form work bring back the old one. I too have this issue. Poor experience Etsy!
The custom order listing form has been a PITA since Etsy changed its formula awhile back. The only way around this fiasco now is to create a regular listing where you are able to fill out the entire form, including craft category, shipping, etc. ... and you can edit the listing as many times as you need to without it sending your buyer a new message everytime you make changes, which just confuses buyers when that happens. Then when the listing is ready, you can just send the link to your buyer. You can put something like "Reserved for XXX" in the title and then put in a generic description like "as discussed via convo" which keeps the actual details discreet from anyone who may see the listing. Not the most perfect solution, but hope that helps!
I just posted about this today as well.
You cannot select a "craft type" because there is no "craft type" question on the custom order listing form. Therefore you cannot actually use the custom listing form, because you can't select a shipping profile/speed unless you edit the listing after creating it. And until you select a shipping profile/speed, the listing is marked as "needs update" and probably can't be purchased.
This is not directly a problem with the new listing form -- it's specific to editing a custom listing.
But I suspect the problem is linked to the new listing form.
The problem is unique to the new form.
You could edit private listings properly using the old form.
I am having the same issue as well. I was able to work around it for a while, while the option to go back to the old form was available, but it seems that has been dropped.
Yes, it is a real pain. I've been trying to update a private listing too but it won't save ANY of my changes unless I enter a craft type.
I am still having this problem when making a private listing. It won't let me proceed with the listing until I fill in the CRAFT TYPE, which is nowhere to be found. This only happens when making a private listing. This problem was reported 2 months ago. I thought it would be fixed by now. Am I doing something wrong when creating a private listing?
Hi! As far as I am aware the issue still has not been resolved. I submitted a help ticket to the etsy technical support weeks ago and was told that this is a larger issue that Etsy is still working on. Then my ticket was closed. I haven't received any updates since so I don't know how much progress has been made to fix this bug. However, I think that if enough sellers report the problem, then the issue may receive more interest and be fixed sooner... I've had to stop using the private listing feature all together since I can't edit the inputs after creating the listing
How do I report to Etsy please?
I went to the Etsy Help Center and selected "Contact Etsy Support" > "Selling on Etsy" > "Managing my Shop and Listings" > "Manage Listings" > "I Still Need Help" and then chatted with the help desk for a little bit until they determined it wouldn't be a quick fix. They then said "Upon checking, I’ve confirmed that you’re experiencing an issue that our team is currently looking into." but did not provide a timeframe or an update since.
I also reported this problem to Etsy but it still happens.
This problem occur when I use web browser for create custom listing.
So, I try to create custom listing via Etsy seller app (blue color) in mobile phone.
Please go to message of buyer and then click "send listings" at the bottom and then select "Create private listing"
You can create custom listing by add description, price, category and shipping detail (you cannot select shipping profile at this page).
Then, click "send private listing" , it will back to the message page.
You have to click "private listing" again to add photo and select shipping profile.
This bug is annoying. What the h is going on over there? It's August and this bug has been here for months. I can't select a Craft Type. I can't edit the Private Listing and the customer can't buy it.
Yes, as mentioned, the only way to send a private listing that actually works as a private listing is to use the mobile app, then go back to a browser and edit it. I am not sure how anything broken this bad got into production but please fix it. Making a public listing with "Reserved for..." and hoping no one but the intended buyer will purchase it is just so lame. And while you are at it, why not remove the private listing workflow from a message to a regular listing workflow with a button marked "Private Listing" and a box coming up allowing the seller to indicate who the listing is for? That seems more intuitive for me. And while you are at it, maybe allow a regular listing to be converted to a private listing? This would allow one to edit the heck out of it prior to posting, as opposed to posting it, and then having to quickly edit a defective post. LISTEN TO YOUR USERS!
Had a long "chat" with support about the bugs the custom listing tool. Here is the delayed reply:
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