Check your payment account page in your shop manager to see if the funds from the sale are available for deposit. If you have weekly deposits set up then you should receive the remaining funds (after fees) on Monday. If you have a reserve on your account then it depends on whether you shipped with tracking.
Also be aware about scammers which mainly seem to be targeting new shops:
Let me guess. Did this involve giving the buyer your email address first?
Check your payment account page in your shop manager to see if the funds from the sale are available for deposit. If you have weekly deposits set up then you should receive the remaining funds (after fees) on Monday. If you have a reserve on your account then it depends on whether you shipped with tracking.
Also be aware about scammers which mainly seem to be targeting new shops:
You're faster than I
Your home page shows no sales for your shop yet. I would guess you've been duped by one of the many, many scams going around. Here's a list of many of those scams but more are always appearing:
@PWOriginals I see 1 sale (Gum Tree Balls)
@Amaradorn Now that is strange as I see the 1 sale now. Yesterday it was not showing on my end. When I saw others' responses, I checked again and still no sale was showing.
What day was it sent out? Payment by default is on Mondays, so if you sent it out on Saturday, it didn't qualify for last Monday's deposit because it was your first sale (which is held for 3 days).
Look at your payment account and it will tell you when your next deposit is scheduled. Probably Monday. Payment is not instantaneous.
It says "1 Sale" up at the top of the page.
Thanks, I'll check it out