Hello there,
Ive just been updated that I have not made back the star seller badge.
I think this is because all my new messages have not been accounted for. I dowloaded the spreadsheet with all new messages
and not only does it include last months late message it has left of 4 new messages from first time contacts which I replied to within 24 hours
Last month I lost my message response rating due to a late reply on one message( which i wasnt notified of in the app for a while)
Since that time I have recieved a few first time messages which should have brought up my stats again (according to my calculations)
Can you help me rectify this issue please.
Thanks alot for your help
* Left off 4 new messages
@OldStonyHillCeramics: When you look at the file remember that that the dates / times are in UTC (not your time zone), only the first message of a new incoming thread is included (all that counts for Star Seller), and usually a new incoming thread is not included until after the 24 hour reply window has passed regardless of when you replied. Star Seller stats (and the CSV file) seem to be updated only once per day so there may be an additional day's delay. There is also a link to the actual message thread so you can verify if the data is correct or not.
"... and not only does it include last months late message ..." The November Star was calculated using data for August. September, and October.
I think I get what you're saying however all the messages I mentioned are brand new messages and I recieved them all over the course of October up to 2 days ago. None of them within the past 24 hours. If there is a lag as you suggest and the system picks up the most recent 4 messages would they then change my star seller status?
@OldStonyHillCeramics: Star Seller stats recalculate each day on your Star Seller page even though the Star and Badges are awarded only on the 1st of the month.
"... are brand new messages ..." I know that it sounds like nit-picking semantics, but the Star Seller metric is NOT all new messages but only the first message of all new incoming threads.
Thanks I appreciate your follow ups here. Yes when I refer to brand new messages I do indeed mean First/initial contact with a new customer who has never contacted me via messages. Also I notice that the team has updated my spreadsheet. Im still falling short though. Thanks again!
The star seller data is for 3 months at a time as @BagmakerSupply states.
Also, it takes 19 replied to messages to offset the 1 not replied to so unless you get a lot of messages, that 19 is hard to get. The four messages you mention would not help a whole lot unless you had a lot more.
okay ill look into how much i recieved on top of the 4 recent ones. Many thanks