The old form is gone so we can't change the glitchy pricing on there anymore. Even though my listings show the right price in the listings manager, I can see in an incognito window how they are appearing to US customers and some (randomly) are displaying my domestic price (which includes Canadian tax). I've opened a ticket.... what more can we do at the moment? Please share if you've found a solution.
This is extremely frustrating and I'm just imagining all the people who have favorited my items getting a notification that the price keeps changing. It's not me!
You'd think after 13 months that Etsy would have done something about this issue, right? But no, there is no fix and no workaround.
The one thing that gives me some hope is that some US sellers are also reporting pricing problems, and they don't have access to the tool. Americans complaining is more likely to get Etsy to look into pricing issues in general.
@cindylouwho2 really trying to hang in there and just keep plugging along. It's very discouraging.
I'm still seeing this problem in my shop as well. It seems every time I edit a listing the everywhere else price gets changed. So frustrating. I have a number of listings I can't fix now
@cindylouwho2 and @MyNeedleCrafts
@DaysofYoreTreasures found the following workaround:
Go to listing manager but do not open the listing. Check the little box to the bottom left of the listing. Choose Editing Options > Edit Prices > Set new amount and change from there.
This is working for me, I think. At least temporarily. I still have a problem with things actually SELLING and RENEWING at the wrong price but at least I can modify them this way.
@WoodsmokeAndWillow glad that seems to be working for editing! Sadly, that's no good for listings with price variations, which you need to edit using the new listing form.
@cindylouwho2 No, I suppose not. So frustrating. I've actually heard back from support over email wanting to know which orders have been charged the wrong price. I sent them a long list. I have to hope they'll take it seriously, but I did already report some of those and still nothing changed.
what more can we do at the moment? Please share if you've found a solution.
before the domestic/everywhere else tool, was even thought of,
and sellers needed higher UK prices because of VAT - we adjusted it through the shipping profile
having the price reflect the "vat included" and then have free/cheaper shipping than it cost, for overseas.
I also emailed Etsy about the issue this week. I did get a reply from support. In part...
"It sounds like you’re experiencing an issue that our engineering team is looking into. I’ve added all of the details from this ticket to their investigation so they have more information to work with.
Thank you so much for reporting this, as it provides valuable insight into the extent of the issue and assists our teams in determining the priority of necessary fixes."
I would encourage everyone that is seeing an issue with the domestic pricing to email them. Here's to hoping it will help.
I've received the exact same response multiple times.
When I used this feature in the fall of last year, my prices were suddenly changing totally randomly without any rhyme or reason. I corrected them all one by one, and while correcting one, another changed again by itself. When I'd finally got them all correct after much work, the next time I looked in my shop it was all a mess again. It took some time to figure out it was this domestic/international pricing feature that was the cause.
In my opinion this is one of the absolutely most important things that need to work properly on a marketplace! It's totally ridiculous running a shop when you don't know at which price your products will be sold. I suppose they've replaced all the software engineers by bots or something.
I have figured out a fix. Go to the listing and turn the domestic pricing toggle off and then publish. Then go back in and turn it back on and add the domestic price and publish again. (It should shift the price over to "everywhere else" and you just need to fill in the domestic price.) It should hold. I've fixed 3 listings so far this way.
This is so frustrating isn't it? A constant issue and like others I now can't update the pricing at all, it just immediately switches back to showing just the domestic price. At least with the old form there was a workaround.
@MyNeedleCrafts I just tried your latest suggestion and sadly while it worked for about 30 seconds, the pricing has switched back again
@BonbiForest Oh no! Mine so far are all still good.
I haven't done any other edits to my listings today so I don't know if they will hold if I start messing with them again. Fingers are crossed.
I have experienced exactly the same issue and cannot get a response from Etsy. At first I didn't realise, so on looking back it started for me in January 2024 and since then I have had numerous incidents of the "everywhere else" price not being charged for international orders. Maybe if it were the customers that were making the complaints rather than the sellers Etsy might take note (I've seen on other forum posts that sellers have been in a position to have to cancel orders because it wouldn't be viable to sell them at the domestic price - which isn't a great buying experience!). I have re-entered prices after receiving a generic message from Etsy recently saying about an issue relating to anyone making changes to prices between 21-24 June.... I haven't changed my prices or listings in months, so I don't know if this is actually the issue. In any event "checking prices" as they suggest hasn't worked. On some international orders they are charged the "international price" and some are charged the "UK price" - none of it makes sense. So in the meantime I have to just have to hope that an order will be charged correctly and hope that at some unknown point in time it will be resolved (although at this stage posts commenting on this issue now date back one year...)