Hacked? - Etsy Support Not Responsive

Super, super,  frustrated.  Got an email from sender called  etsy support.  Responded afterwards realized that it was not etsy support. Did screen shot sent detailed message along with screen shot to etsy under Etsy HELP.  gets a canned response meaning the computer response and no human being has looked at this.  

Kinda feel there is no one out there to HELP.

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16 Replies

Re: Hacked? - Etsy Support Not Responsive

Try contacting @FabioMcMustache he is an admin and can get you to the right person to help you.

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Re: Hacked? - Etsy Support Not Responsive

@VintagebyMitzi: In this case the advice from @CatsBeadKitsandMore is your best route.


For future information, often the first response you get from customer support is an automated reply meant to weed out the people who contact support over common issues that can be easily solved.


Every eMail from Etsy support should have a link something like "I Still Need Help". Click on that link in each reply from Etsy (or actually reply stating that you still need help) to keep the report alive otherwise Etsy will assume that it is resolved. You may have to do this innumerable times, before anything is done but do not give up.

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Re: Hacked? - Etsy Support Not Responsive

Reply to Etsy using the I Still Need Help link in their original reply. You may get 2 or 3 canned responses before a human actually reviews it. Keep responding via the I Still Need Help link until a human steps in and deals with your problem. In the meantime, a month or more can go by.

Don't start any new threads, or they will close the original inquiry and kick any new emails to the back of the line to start over with the canned responses.

Change your Etsy password immediately if you are able to. Change your email password. If you gave them any financial information, cancel those cards and ask for replacements. Notify your bank and see what they recommend. Run a complete scan on your computer to remove any keyloggers they might have placed on your computer to steal more passwords and more financial information.

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Re: Hacked? - Etsy Support Not Responsive

I feel your pain. Etsy is super slow to help, us sellers.

Yesterday a received a message like yours, but I did not answer. I think it is one of the lastest scams. They get you email account and try to get some form of information and god knows what. I think it would be great if you can protect your email, maybe changing the passwords. I still don't understand well what can happen when ill-intentioned people get hold of our sensitive information.

Hope you can resolve this soon, fingers crossed.

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Re: Hacked? - Etsy Support Not Responsive

If you are still in your account, then I would change the password and make sure you have 2FA turned on. Run a virus scan on your computer to check for any malware. Check that your account is still linked to your correct email and banking information. 

I would start with doing all that while you wait to hear back from support. Because if all you did was respond to an email, it's possible no damage was actually done yet. 

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Re: Hacked? - Etsy Support Not Responsive

thanks so very much for your advice!


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Re: Hacked? - Etsy Support Not Responsive

Cahnge your password.  Enable 2FA.  Those are what the email instructs to do.  If that is the email then reply back to it for more help.

Did you give any financial information?  Bank account information?  If so contact your bank to ask them want to do in this case. 

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Re: Hacked? - Etsy Support Not Responsive

Really appreciate your response, thank you.

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Conversation Maker

Re: Hacked? - Etsy Support Not Responsive

@VintagebyMitzi   I'm so sorry this happened to you. Scammers are running rampant on here right now., targeting new Sellers as well as seasoned ones. And it is unacceptable that Sellers do not have 24/7 Support for things like Hacked Shops, any financial issues, etc.  The email Scam, as well as impersonations of Etsy Support, is happening way too often, and it stinks. Good advice from everyone.
@FernwehLab  I'm sorry you received this bogus Message as well, and glad you did not click.

For both of you, please be aware; there is a Thread which contain ongoing scams, compiled by Seller bradgoodell. It is in the Managing Your Shop Section, where it can be easily missed.


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Re: Hacked? - Etsy Support Not Responsive

Especially since they turned off commenting so it can't be bumped up to be seen along with the recent activity posts. 

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Re: Hacked? - Etsy Support Not Responsive

Thank you so very much, yes this helps a lot.   The 1st scenario is what happened to me.  Thanks for your very detailed response.  Kindest regards, Mitzi

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Re: Hacked? - Etsy Support Not Responsive

Thanks so much for this, it helps to have help from the community.

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Re: Hacked? - Etsy Support Not Responsive

Yesterday I wrote to 3 friends that sell here. Two of them had received exactly the same messages as mine. Massive intents of scam are happening in the last days.

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Community Maker

Re: Hacked? - Etsy Support Not Responsive

@bradgoodell  hope you are doing well.  Could you post your list of scams in this thread?

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Re: Hacked? - Etsy Support Not Responsive

If you gave any banking information to the scammer, contact your bank NOW, and let them know, you may need a new bank account/card

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Inspiration Seeker

Re: Hacked? - Etsy Support Not Responsive

I fully understand you. I received a scam mail a few days ago, luckily I din't click on any of it as I realised it was not really an ETSY support.  But when I forwarded to ETSY to let them know and double check, I didn't received an answer back. 

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