I received a message in etsy messages to enter the etsy design awards, as I am sure we all did. They suggested a particular listing, so I went to enter that listing and I get an error message that says: 'Product doesn't belong to this shop'. I assure you it does.
here is my address as I entered it:
here is the listing as I entered it:
Hi Sarah, the entry form is case sensitive, so use Spiderbite rather than spiderbite as that's how your shop name appears when it loads. Give it a try again and see if the entry goes through. Best of luck!
Use the correct listing link instead of the redirect/Save & Share one.
The correct listing? Do you mean the one you posted because I get the same message using that one.
Yes, the correct listing link was what I said. Never use the other one for anything important.
If neither work, I guess you will need to contact Etsy, or try multiple browsers/devices.
(They send those messages to people with Etsy's Pick listings. I just ignore them LOL)
Yes, I tried both variations of the link before posting here in the forum. I’m not really that pressed about it, but just wanted to see if it was me or a glitch. Severely doubtful it would go anywhere contest wise.
Hi Sarah, the entry form is case sensitive, so use Spiderbite rather than spiderbite as that's how your shop name appears when it loads. Give it a try again and see if the entry goes through. Best of luck!
I am having a similar issue. I put my store’s name and it says: Error Warning, your shop must have a minimum of 5 listings. My shop has 63, so I don’t know what is happening!