Immediate issue: I can't add insurance to my shipments. The page jumps and it will not allow me to proceed which is preventing me from running my shop. I have done most everything I know how to do from my end to rectify this, nothing is working.
Yesterday parts of the page were disappearing.
Ongoing: I can't rearrange my shop listings. I have every item in my shop organized on all 30 pages and have done so for 10+ years. In the last few months since the turn over to the new listing template one can not move listings from page to page without closing out completely and starting over again on each listing, which adds multiple unnecessary steps (AND TIME) to organizing one's shop by color and/or style of item. What would help is seeing all page numbers at the bottom of the "rearrange mode" instead of only 5 pages, scrolling to get from page 30 to page 1 is a challenging task and takes way too much time and patience. It all worked fine prior to this change.
Thank you,
If you are shipping via Ground Advantage, it comes with $100 insurance. Nothing for you to do.
Thank you, I am aware of this but if you are selling an items for over that amount, well, that is my problem.
Please add your location.
Others have reported this glitch about insurance. However ground advantage has up to $100 dollars so you may not need to add Shipsurance. It may be that Shipsurance is not available until the total goes over $100 as I could add additional insurance for items over $100 .
The listing template has nothing to do with rearrange. As far as I can tell the rearrange shop has not changed in the past few years since the very last change to the shop home page. I see all page numbers at the bottom but then I don't have a huge inventory which may make a difference. Do your stats show that buyers are viewing your home page? Perhaps since you are finding this difficult maybe look at your stats to see if it really is important to arrange your shop.
Shipsurance is available for all packages. I have confirmed this with Shipsurance; there is no minimum dollar amount. A few weeks ago, I let Shipsurance know that Etsy has played with the wording and button for buying insurance; it seems it isn't working well for everyone. It is working fine for me now on Safari. Since USPS does not payout insurance claims readily, it is important to have the option for those who prefer a third party insurer.
Thank you too, but if you are mailing something more expensive it is an issue, which is what I was trying to do. It is still not working.
At the time of the template change the rearrange changed too, the timing is what I am referring to. It is really important aesthetically to rearrange, style and merchandise my shop items, it makes my shop infinitely more visually appealing and easier to find items that so with one another or other options. I have over 30 pages of items usually. Thank you
Shipping glitches solution:
Good luck.
Thank you, I do my international shipping via PirateShip, thank you. Will try a browser switch.
I'm having issues with the same thing. I can't list items because it keeps jumping to the top of the page. Shipping profile is not possible. It jumps to another option or won't let me save. But the listing part is what is so frustrating. I can't even get past the first section unless I cheat and just move past and then when I go to publish it says I can't because it says I didn't finish the listing so it takes me back and sometimes I can enter how it was made, when and all that. Is there any way to get tech to look at this problem? Am I doing something wrong? I just started Etsy yesterday but if this keeps up, even tho I paid my fee, I am going somewhere else!
Regarding shop rearrange, that has been broken on-again off-again for ages. There have been times when sellers go months not being able to rearrange. I haven't had issues recently though.
I thought there used to be a way to buy insurance after you bought the label directly on Shipsurance's website, but I don't see that anymore? Maybe they changed that. You can definitely add insurance for orders of any price with PirateShip. I get insurance on certain orders even if they are under $100... I'd rather deal with PirateShip on claims than USPS!
I often don't see any page numbers in my own shop sections. I have to refresh, then I see 5 pages.
Yes, the rearranging of the shop takes way longer than it used to because of the page numbers at the bottom. Too many clicks back and forth. Takes forever. Drives me crazy. Wish Etsy would fix this but it doesn't seem to be a problem for everyone so Etsy probably won't do a thing about it.